scio-labs / use-inkathon

Typesafe React hooks and utility functions that simplify the process of working with Substrate-based networks and ink! smart contracts.
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Ability to use custom `SubstrateChain` objects #71

Open wottpal opened 1 month ago

niklasp commented 2 weeks ago

what exactly does this issue include?

I have the usecase 1 to include e.g. Polkadot relay as well as adding some data to the SubstrateChain as seen in example below e.g. tokenSymbol

interface SubstrateChainExtended extends SubstrateChain {
  tokenSymbol: string
  tokenDecimals?: number

export const polkadotRelay: SubstrateChainExtended = {
  network: "Polkadot",
  name: "Polkadot Relay Chain",
  rpcUrls: ["wss://"],
  ss58Prefix: 0,
  testnet: false,
  tokenSymbol: "DOT",
  tokenDecimals: 10,
  explorerUrls: { [SubstrateExplorer.Subscan]: "" },

export const kusamaRelay: SubstrateChainExtended = {
  network: "Kusama",
  name: "Kusama Relay Chain",
  rpcUrls: ["wss://"],
  ss58Prefix: 2,
  testnet: false,
  tokenSymbol: "KSM",
  tokenDecimals: 12,
  explorerUrls: { [SubstrateExplorer.Subscan]: "" },