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Path revocation #25

Open nicorusti opened 1 month ago

nicorusti commented 1 month ago

Path revocation is a very complex topic, it was therefore removed from the implementation. It can trigger lots of discussion, and because of that this is also not mentioned in current drafts. I feel the text below needs some more discussion and work before a submission.

Text removed in #23

## Signalling faulty segments

Faulty segments are segments that do not work as advertised, i.e. they are either physically faulty
(broken link, high packet loss, jitter, ...) or have faulty metadata suggesting too few hops, too low latency,
too much bandwith, or similar problems.
The fault may be caused by a technical problem (e.g. broken link) or by a malicious adversary.

An example for a malicious adversary is the "wormhole" attack, see {{I-D.scion-cp}} where an AS may be coaxed to
disseminate a faulty segment. How do we recover from faulty segments?
Currently only endpoints may realize that a segment does not work as advertised, either via SCMP errors or simply by traffic degradation.
This would be a possible sequence of events:

* An endpoint realizes that a segment is faulty
* An endpoint needs to signal to its local AS that a segment is faulty
* A Local AS needs to signal to a core AS that a segment is faulty
* A core AS needs to:
  * change policy to exclude faulty segments AND/OR
  * signal other cores and ISDs to stop delivering the segment (they only deliver 5 each, so any faulty segment shoud be avoided)

### Implications

Besides general service degradation, a lack of recovery can worsen the impact of a wormhole attack {{I-D.scion-cp}}.

### Mitigation

* An AS could monitor traffic for SCMP errors, although this only works if these errors are actually generated and forwarded.
* Endpoints need a way to signal faulty segments to ASes. ASes need a way to signal faulty ASes to other ASes (e.g.
core ASes or ASes in other ISDs).
* ASes need adaptive beacon analysis algorithms that allow excluding specific beacons, e.g. beacons that have
  known malicious ASes on path.
* For swift recovery, it would be useful if ASes could communicate the faultiness of faulty segments.
nicorusti commented 1 month ago

We wish to have some path revocation. How should link revocations be transmitted in a trustworthy manner to endpoints, without introducing new attack vectors? This ties to rfc9217 2.2. Discovery, Distribution, and Trustworthiness of Path Properties