scionproto / scion

SCION Internet Architecture
Apache License 2.0
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[acceptance tests] HP test #4474

Closed JordiSubira closed 3 months ago

JordiSubira commented 3 months ago

The following code snippet is executed in two logic phases of the acceptances test, i.e., setup and run. If we run the test with bazel test //acceptance/hidden_paths:all it works well, however, if we run each test phase manually, i.e., bazel run //acceptance/hidden_paths:test_setup and bazel run //acceptance/hidden_paths:test_run, it fails. I guess, a simple solution would be to move

self._server.shutdown()  # by now configuration must have been downloaded everywhere

into setup_prepare()

oncilla commented 3 months ago

The right fix is to move it to the setup phase, correct.

However, the setup prepare usually only sets up the required files. Only in the setup_start phase the containers are actually started and pull the configuration.

The mentioned snippet should be moved to this phase instead of the setup_prepare.

JordiSubira commented 3 months ago

Yes, indeed I mixed the names up, setup_start is what I meant. Thanks for clarifying!