Incorporate protocol_alphafold that allows to compute an atomic model based on a sequence using alphafold.
1) given a unitprot id retreve model from emdb (only valid for a subset of species)
2) given a sequence, blast it again all alphafold resolved sequences and offer the closed ones to the user
3) run alphafold in colab
4) run alphafold locally
scipion3 tests chimera.tests.test_alpha_fold.TestAlphafoldImport
Test for cases (3) and (4) are disabled by default since, (3) requires manual interaction and (4) requires a full alphafold instalation.
This protocol requires chimera 1.3, I have updated the installation and run the chimera tests.
Incorporate protocol_alphafold that allows to compute an atomic model based on a sequence using alphafold.
options: 1) given a unitprot id retreve model from emdb (only valid for a subset of species) 2) given a sequence, blast it again all alphafold resolved sequences and offer the closed ones to the user 3) run alphafold in colab 4) run alphafold locally
test scipion3 tests chimera.tests.test_alpha_fold.TestAlphafoldImport
Test for cases (3) and (4) are disabled by default since, (3) requires manual interaction and (4) requires a full alphafold instalation.
This protocol requires chimera 1.3, I have updated the installation and run the chimera tests.