I'm trying to install Scipion 3 on Ubuntu 20.04 and I got stuck on the following error. Can you help me please?
mpirun or mpiexec have failed.
Cannot compile with MPI or use it
rm xmipp_mpi_test_main*
rm: cannot remove 'xmipp_mpi_test_main*': No such file or directory
Check failed! Something wrong with the configuration.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/.scipion3env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipion/__main__.py", line 449, in <module>
File "/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/.scipion3env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipion/__main__.py", line 292, in main
File "/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/.scipion3env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipion/install/install_plugin.py", line 231, in installPluginMethods
plugin.installBin({'args': ['-j', numberProcessor]})
File "/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/.scipion3env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipion/install/plugin_funcs.py", line 166, in installBin
File "/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/.scipion3env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipion/install/funcs.py", line 748, in execute
File "/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/.scipion3env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipion/install/funcs.py", line 690, in _executeTargets
File "/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/.scipion3env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipion/install/funcs.py", line 220, in execute
File "/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/.scipion3env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipion/install/funcs.py", line 160, in execute
assert glob(t), ("target '%s' not built (after "
AssertionError: target '/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/software/em/xmipp/bin/xmipp_reconstruct_significant' not built (after running 'cd . && ./xmipp config noAsk && ./xmipp check_config && ./xmipp compileAndInstall N=8 && ln -srf build /cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/software/em/xmipp && cd - && touch installation_finished && rm bindings_linked 2> /dev/null')
Error at main: target '/cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/software/em/xmipp/bin/xmipp_reconstruct_significant' not built (after running 'cd . && ./xmipp config noAsk && ./xmipp check_config && ./xmipp compileAndInstall N=8 && ln -srf build /cryoem/software/scipion/scipion-3/software/em/xmipp && cd - && touch installation_fin
ished && rm bindings_linked 2> /dev/null')
Complete outpu of python3 -m scipioninstaller ../scipion-3 command: Log.txt.
Hello, I'm trying to install Scipion 3 on Ubuntu 20.04 and I got stuck on the following error. Can you help me please?
Complete outpu of
python3 -m scipioninstaller ../scipion-3
command: Log.txt.Thank you!