scipion-em / scipion-pyworkflow

Underlying pyworkflow module for the Scipion framework
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Xmipp and Scipion installation problem on Debian 12 machine #515

Closed TomCrey closed 3 months ago

TomCrey commented 3 months ago

Dear all,

We're trying to install Xmipp in order to use Scipion3, but we're having a few problems with the installation (cf terminal output below). We're trying to install it on a machine running Debian 12; do you know if it's possible to install Xmipp on this type of machine?

Thank you for your help,


Unable to install Xmipp. Some error found compiling 'basic_mem_manager.o' program.. You can skip this program by including 'CUDA=False' in the config file. For more information about the error check compileLOG.txt file if exist. You can visit our guide of installation, visit the wiki page with some details and you can contact us or Discord/Scipion/xmipp To report the details of the error please share the reportInstallation.tar.gz file

pconesa commented 3 months ago

Let's see if anyone from xmipp team have a clue.


Have you tried to follow what the message says:

"You can skip this program by including 'CUDA=False' in the config file"

If it is not clear, just do:

1.- scipion3 config --show (should pop up a text file with variables and values) 2.- add/edit a line : CUDA=False 3.- install xmipp again: scipion3 install xmippSrc

oierlauzi commented 3 months ago

Hello, Xmipp should work on Debian. I personally use it. As Pablo says, maybe you could try compiling without CUDA at least you are likely to get a working Scipion installation. In any case, please, could you send me your /path/to/scipion/software/em/xmippSrc-?????/compileLOG.txt

TomCrey commented 3 months ago

Hi @oierlauzi, Yes, of course, here it is:

Compilation Date: 2024-04-23 16:31:45.402295

########################### Compiling cuFFTAdvisor-------- mkdir -p build/ nvcc --cudart static -shared -link -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets -o build/ obj/advisor.o obj/benchmarker.o obj/benchmarkResult.o obj/cudaAsserts.o obj/generalTransform.o obj/inputParser.o obj/main.o obj/sizeOptimizer.o obj/transform.o obj/transformGenerator.o obj/validator.o mkdir -p build/ nvcc -o build/cuFFTAdvisor obj/advisor.o obj/benchmarker.o obj/benchmarkResult.o obj/cudaAsserts.o obj/generalTransform.o obj/inputParser.o obj/main.o obj/sizeOptimizer.o obj/transform.o obj/transformGenerator.o obj/validator.o -lcufft -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets

########################### Compiling googletest-------- -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/googletest/build [100%] Built target gtest [ 50%] Built target gtest [100%] Built target gtest_main

########################### Compiling libsvm-------- if [ "Linux" = "Darwin" ]; then \ SHARED_LIB_FLAG="-dynamiclib -Wl,-install_name,"; \ else \ SHARED_LIB_FLAG="-shared -Wl,-soname,"; \ fi; \ g++ ${SHARED_LIB_FLAG} svm.o -o

########################### Compiling libcifpp-------- Not trying to recreate symop_table_data.hpp since CCP4 is not defined -- Testing for known regex bug, since you're using GNU libstdc++ -- You are probably trying to compile using the g++ standard library which contains a crashing std::regex implementation. Will use boost::regex instead -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/build [ 4%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cifpp.dir/src/utilities.cpp.o [ 9%] Linking CXX shared library [100%] Built target cifpp -- Install configuration: "Release" -- Installing: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/lib/ -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/lib/ -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/lib/ -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/lib/cmake/cifpp/cifppTargets.cmake -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/lib/cmake/cifpp/cifppTargets-release.cmake -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/include/cif++/exports.hpp -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/share/libcifpp/mmcif_ddl.dic -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/share/libcifpp/mmcif_pdbx.dic -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/share/libcifpp/mmcif_ma.dic -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/lib/cmake/cifpp/cifppConfig.cmake -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/lib/cmake/cifpp/cifppConfigVersion.cmake -- Up-to-date: /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/lib/pkgconfig/libcifpp.pc

########################### Compiling XmippCore-------- scons: Reading SConscript files ... scons: done reading SConscript files. scons: Building targets ... scons: lib/' is up to date. scons:lib/' is up to date. scons: done building targets.

########################### Compiling Xmipp------------ scons: Reading SConscript files ... scons: done reading SConscript files. scons: Building targets ... scons: lib/' is up to date. scons:lib/' is up to date. /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -o libraries/reconstruction_cuda/basic_mem_manager.o -c --x cu -D_FORCE_INLINES -Xcompiler -fPIC -ccbin -std=c++14 --expt-extended-lambda -gencode=arch=compute_60,code=compute_60 -gencode=arch=compute_61,code=compute_61 -gencode=arch=compute_75,code=compute_75 -gencode=arch=compute_86,code=compute_86 -I../ -I/home/tcrey/miniconda3/envs/scipion3/include -Iexternal -Ilibraries -I/storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/xmippCore -I/storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/include libraries/reconstruction_cuda/basic_mem_manager.cpp -std=c++14: No such file or directory Building compilation database /storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/compile_commands.json nvcc fatal : Failed to preprocess host compiler properties. /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -o libraries/reconstruction_cuda/cuda_all.o -c --x cu -D_FORCE_INLINES -Xcompiler -fPIC -ccbin -std=c++14 --expt-extended-lambda -gencode=arch=compute_60,code=compute_60 -gencode=arch=compute_61,code=compute_61 -gencode=arch=compute_75,code=compute_75 -gencode=arch=compute_86,code=compute_86 -I../ -I/home/tcrey/miniconda3/envs/scipion3/include -Iexternal -Ilibraries -I/storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/xmippCore -I/storage/home/tcrey/scipion3/software/em/xmippSrc-v3.23.11.0/src/libcifpp/include libraries/reconstruction_cuda/cuda_all.cpp scons: [libraries/reconstruction_cuda/basic_mem_manager.o] Error 1 -std=c++14: No such file or directory nvcc fatal : Failed to preprocess host compiler properties. scons: [libraries/reconstruction_cuda/cuda_all.o] Error 1 scons: building terminated because of errors.

oierlauzi commented 3 months ago

Hello again. What nvidia driver do you have? and what cuda-toolkit? A quick look of the error (nvcc fatal : Failed to preprocess host compiler properties.) does not shed any light on the issue.

azazellochg commented 3 months ago

Does /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc exist?

TomCrey commented 3 months ago

Hello again. What nvidia driver do you have? and what cuda-toolkit? A quick look of the error (nvcc fatal : Failed to preprocess host compiler properties.) does not shed any light on the issue.

Hello @oierlauzi,

Nvidia driver version : 535.154.05 Cuda-toolkit : V11.8.89

Thanks for your help !

oierlauzi commented 3 months ago

Thanks! That looks okay. Please, also attach /path/to/scipion/software/em/xmippSrc-?????/xmipp.conf

oierlauzi commented 3 months ago

I think I have a clue. You may have g++-12 installed, but CUDA 11.8 only supports up to g++-11. 2. If the config file confirms this hypothesis, the solution will be rather simple.

TomCrey commented 3 months ago

We have solved our problem, it was a bad version of CUDA (11.8) which prevented the correct installation of Xmipp; with the CUDA 12.2 version everything seems to work normally for the moment.

Thank you all for your help!
