scipopt / russcip

Rust interface for SCIP
Apache License 2.0
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Make illegal states irrepresentable #19

Closed mmghannam closed 1 year ago

mmghannam commented 1 year ago
          One thing you can do to make your life easier is to forbid some method calls at the type level. 


It looks like scip maintains a state machine internally. These states should probably be reflected at the type level in rust. Instead of a single Model type, there should probably be at least an UnsolvedModel and a SolvedModel, and probably more.

This should also help you have less Result in your return types. If you can guarantee at the type level that a particular C function call will not fail, then you can turn a faillible_call()? into a faillible_call().expect("We are in state X, which meets all the preconditions of function faillible_call")

Originally posted by @lovasoa in