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Bliss include path is not correct when bliss is already installed #117

Closed hedtke closed 1 week ago

hedtke commented 3 weeks ago

I want to update the conan recipe. In conan we install bliss as dependency. In CMake, find_package(Bliss is used, but then Bliss_INCLUDE_DIRS is unused, instead paths are constructed by hand. If bliss is installed externally, the include paths are wrong

svigerske commented 1 week ago

It has been changed to

find_package(Bliss CONFIG HINTS ${BLISS_DIR})
set(SYM_LIBRARIES Bliss::libbliss)
set(SYM_PIC_LIBRARIES Bliss::libbliss)

This should work with bliss from when build via cmake, since that should create a BlissConfig.cmake that provides Bliss::libbliss.

I don't really know how compatible that is with the bliss build in the conda packages, though. You seem to use bliss::bliss in your patch.