scipopt / scip

SCIP - Solving Constraint Integer Programs
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Can you build binary package for a more recent liunx distribution? #75

Closed niebaopeng closed 9 months ago

niebaopeng commented 1 year ago


I use the deb package for ubuntu20.04 for linux mint 21.2 == ubuntu jammy and it doesn't work. The build process is not easy. Could you provide some more packages for different distirbution versions?


leoneifler commented 11 months ago

could you provide more information about what exactly did not work?

If you have access to conda forge your can also install pyscipopt using conda which includes a scip installation.

Regarding shipping more packages, I will refer the question to @ju-manns

gsgs2 commented 10 months ago

so, is it too difficult or are there licence-issues ?

ju-manns commented 9 months ago

@gsgs2 thank you for the suggestion, we added Ubuntu 22 packages to the upcoming SCIP 9 release.