SiemensStar is a standard mesh to measure a spatial resolution of an imaging detector.
It can be done while adjusting optics of the detector, and after adjusting them.
(Not necessarily online)
Neutron images from imaging detectors using SiemensStar, i.e. Timepix
Depends on the grid used for measuring spatial resolution.
i.e. siemens star mtf
Single number that represents the spatial resolution of a detector.
Executive summary
Decide spatial resolution of an imaging detector
Context and background knowledge
SiemensStar is a standard mesh to measure a spatial resolution of an imaging detector. It can be done while adjusting optics of the detector, and after adjusting them. (Not necessarily online)
Neutron images from imaging detectors using SiemensStar, i.e. Timepix
Depends on the grid used for measuring spatial resolution. i.e. siemens star mtf
Single number that represents the spatial resolution of a detector.
Which interfaces are required?
Python module / function, Jupyter notebook
Test cases
Timepix raw-data can be used, measure at SENJU.
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