On http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr12/en/proj/projhome.aspx the following links are broken:
Register as a SkyServer student user
Request answers to SkyServer projects
View answers you have requested
Evaluate a project you have finished
They link to an asp project on skyserver.pha.jhu.edu which is a dead URL, maybe not handled by the load balancer?
The links are hard coded into many files. You can find them by searching files in github.
On http://skyserver.sdss.org/dr12/en/proj/projhome.aspx the following links are broken: STUDENTS: Register as a SkyServer student user Request answers to SkyServer projects View answers you have requested Evaluate a project you have finished
They link to an asp project on skyserver.pha.jhu.edu which is a dead URL, maybe not handled by the load balancer?
The links are hard coded into many files. You can find them by searching files in github.