scitokens / scitokens-cpp

A C++ implementation of the SciTokens library with a C library interface
Apache License 2.0
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Provide an API enabling explicit manipulation of the keycache for the end user. #99

Closed bbockelm closed 1 year ago

bbockelm commented 1 year ago

With this, it should be possible to write simple python scripts for manipulating the keycache:

>>> import json
>>> from cffi import FFI
>>> ffi = FFI()
>>> ffi.cdef("""
... void free(void *);
... int keycache_refresh_jwks(const char *issuer, char **err_msg);
... int keycache_get_cached_jwks(const char *issuer, char **jwks, char **err_msg);
... int keycache_set_jwks(const char *issuer, const char *jwks, char **err_msg);
... """)
>>> C = ffi.dlopen(None)
>>> scitokens = ffi.dlopen("release_dir/lib64/")
>>> jwks_result ="char**", ffi.NULL)
>>> err_msg ="char**", ffi.NULL)
>>> scitokens.keycache_get_cached_jwks("".encode(), jwks_result, err_msg)
>>> json.loads(ffi.string(jwks_result[0]).decode())
{'keys': [{'alg': 'ES256', 'kid': 'key-es256', 'kty': 'EC', 'use': 'sig', 'x': 'ncSCrGTBTXXOhNiAOTwNdPjwRz1hVY4saDNiHQK9Bh4=', 'y': 'sCsFXvx7FAAklwq3CzRCBcghqZOFPB2dKUayS6LY_Lo='}]}


This will allow me write a condor-ce script which injects temporary public keys for a given issuer, allowing the admins to generate an arbitrary token "as", say, CMS which is valid only at that CE.