scitrs / learning

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decided from today I will start working on making videos on new topics at random which I will organize latter on #44

Open scitrs opened 1 week ago

scitrs commented 1 week ago

I ca even change channle name latter on but I will do it on daily basis so start with following :

  1. start with basic dos commands like new file, cd, md copy , ren, del, mkdir,
  2. use captions
  3. take help of chat gpt in organizing ur videos
  4. initially dont add voice but after 20 videos start vocie as well
  5. learn to use obsstudio
  6. if some videos required audio u can add latter on first make silent videos keep there backup
  7. then add background music if required
  8. then add vocie after 1-2 months in leisure
  9. other topics
  10. Networking, crystal reprot formulaes, directory, projects, access, word, excel formulaes, .net , c#,
scitrs commented 1 week ago

access, nwtrowking use of ping , ipconfig tcp ip addressing excel, windows setting, how to increase space faster window10 temp files add remove program windows change resolution , how to increase battery backup html, css,php, js c# so start with DOS powershell c, c++ start working on first video , tools like obs studio , fiorewall, windows password , qrcode password use of google lense bar cdoe scanner qrcode generation list all other topics and start one by one

scitrs commented 1 week ago

Make videos on useful tricks using control c control v windows short keys copying to pend drive etc recording devices free open soruce audaciryt

scitrs commented 1 week ago

for DOS or command prompt following topics can be covered

  1. dir switchs dir/p, dir/w dir /h

  2. attrib command

  3. cd

  4. md

  5. copy con ast.txt

  6. waht is a bat file

  7. use caption to explain bigger captions at the bottom

  8. create a channel for it

  9. ver

  10. copy , xcopy vrious switches

  11. how to boot from pen drive , cd

  12. windows f5 , f10 commadn promt , safe mode options

  13. then latter on powershell options

  14. cls

  15. Here are additional topics you can cover for your DOS/Command Prompt tutorial series:

  16. Basic Navigation: How to navigate through directories using cd, dir, and tree.

  17. File Operations:

    • Creating files with echo and type.
    • Moving files with move.
    • Renaming files with ren.
    • Deleting files with del or erase.
  18. Directory Operations:

    • Removing directories with rd or rmdir.
    • Viewing directory structure with tree.
  19. System Information:

    • Viewing system information with systeminfo.
    • Checking network configuration with ipconfig.
  20. Batch Files:

    • Creating and running basic batch files.
    • Using batch files for automation.
    • Using variables and simple loops in batch files.
  21. Environment Variables:

    • Viewing and setting environment variables with set.
  22. Task Management:

    • Viewing running processes with tasklist.
    • Ending processes with taskkill.
  23. Networking Commands:

    • Basic networking commands like ping, tracert, netstat, and nslookup.
  24. Disk Operations:

    • Checking disk usage with chkdsk.
    • Formatting disks with format.
  25. File Permissions:

    • Managing file permissions with cacls or icacls.
  26. Power Management:

    • Managing power options with powercfg.
  27. System Utilities:

    • Using sfc (System File Checker) to scan and repair system files.
    • Using diskpart for disk partition management.
  28. Redirection and Pipes:

    • Redirecting output to files.
    • Using pipes to combine commands.
  29. Scheduling Tasks:

    • Creating and managing scheduled tasks with schtasks.
  30. Advanced Commands:

    • Using reg to manipulate the registry.
    • Using wmic for Windows Management Instrumentation.
  31. Scripting with PowerShell:

    • Basic PowerShell scripting.
    • Differences between Command Prompt and PowerShell.
  32. Troubleshooting:

    • Common troubleshooting commands and techniques.
    • Using Command Prompt for system recovery.

Covering these additional topics will provide a comprehensive guide to using the DOS/Command Prompt, making your tutorial series very useful for beginners and advanced users alike.
have seperate tutorials on networking and powersheel

scitrs commented 1 week ago

Make a seperate video on networking how to share files directory , how to access another computer files how to print how to set ip address, what is dns server expain briefly , gateway see i have 2 laptop and I want to connect it witj each other sharing each other sfile and printer alos user creation

scitrs commented 1 week ago

start making youtube shorts for short sentences and vocabulary entitle it for CHSL CGL etc like antagonistic , rugurgitate etc target 1 week , begin by shorts and later on make videos later on strt uplaoding shorts on daily basis and keep modifying , upgrading target 1-2 years for adds atleast it will help u learn new words and senences and help improve ecom , plus make a solid foundation for new videos like php, js etc but ake atleast 1000 shorts alos find out how to make shorts faster , start new channels as well

scitrs commented 1 week ago

make videos on open source softwares like obs studio, its usage, audacity, ipscanner filezilla, heidisql etc core ftp and many more make best video

scitrs commented 1 week ago

first find out topics in thre is no need of any voice , choose from list even small videos , but always write channel name and ur mobile no in the background or or channel name some where full address

scitrs commented 1 week ago

also add subscribe and like button , make a logo for channel as well , slowly improve