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4. Another important huinderance to learning/project is illness, which is : #5

Open scitrs opened 2 weeks ago

scitrs commented 2 weeks ago
  1. Headache of acidity, stess, negativity
  2. viral
  3. cold Make best stretegies to deal with these all

How to handle all these and not stop ur learning, because if so then u will suffer from time delay and financial issues and remember for all above the main thing is prevention for which

  1. in summer fully avoid exposure to heat , keep head fully covered when out , buy suitable caps or gamccha
  2. totally stop coffee or milk tea as ultiamtley it leads to hell mouth sours and fever
  3. for cold avoid exrteme hot cold
  4. viral or other infection take medicine from day 1 and consult dispensary at hc or sc