Using pyfacebook with pylons has issues with redirects nesting inside the application iframe. It appears this issue was already addressed for Django with commit Additionally, the transition from Paster to WebOb HTTP exceptions on an earlier commit needed some updates as some variable names differ.
Not sure of the best way to paste in this patch (all in, so here goes:
Top of the file:
import re
Replace CanvasRedirect definition with:
class CanvasRedirect(HTTPOk):
"""This is for redirects within the canvas using FBML."""
from string import Template
except ImportError:
from webob.util.stringtemplate import Template
html_template_obj = Template('<html><head></head><body>${body}</body></html>')
body_template_obj = Template('<fb:redirect url="${location}" />')
def __init__(self, location):
HTTPOk.__init__(self, headers = { 'location': location } )
class TopLevelRedirect(HTTPOk):
"""This is for redirects to top-level Facebook pages."""
from string import Template
except ImportError:
from webob.util.stringtemplate import Template
html_template_obj = Template('<html><head></head><body>${body}</body></html>')
body_template_obj = Template('<script type="text/javascript">\ntop.location.href = "${location}";\n</script>')
def __init__(self, location):
HTTPOk.__init__(self, headers = { 'location': location } )
Change definition of redirect_to:
def redirect_to(self, url):
"""Wrap Pylons' redirect_to function so that it works in_canvas.
By the way, this won't work until after you call
if self.in_canvas:
raise CanvasRedirect(url)
elif"^https?:\/\/([^\/]*\.)?facebook\.com(:\d+)?", url.lower()):
raise TopLevelRedirect(url)
Using pyfacebook with pylons has issues with redirects nesting inside the application iframe. It appears this issue was already addressed for Django with commit Additionally, the transition from Paster to WebOb HTTP exceptions on an earlier commit needed some updates as some variable names differ.
Not sure of the best way to paste in this patch (all in, so here goes:
Top of the file: import re
Replace CanvasRedirect definition with: class CanvasRedirect(HTTPOk):
Change definition of redirect_to: