sckott / gbifms

manuscript covering rgbif, pygbif, and gbifrb
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Circle errors #9

Closed cboettig closed 6 years ago

cboettig commented 6 years ago

Looks like the current circle error is due to to the fact that littler loads so few packages. You could add methods, stats, graphics, and grDevices to the library calls in the niche-modelling, but I find it easier to omit these and run with:

R -e 'rmarkdown::render("manuscript.Rmd")'

That way you get all the packages a usual R session has (unlike r or RScript).

It also looks like you will then need to install the most recent wicket version from GitHub to resolve another error.

That should get you up to the issue at #8.


cboettig commented 6 years ago

p.s. since rocker/ropensci is such a big image, I'd consider switching to rocker/geospatial:3.4.1 (using the vesion tag for reproducibility) , and add a DESCRIPTION file to this repo like so:

Package: compendium
Version: 0.1.0
Depends: rmarkdown, tidyverse, rgbif, dismo
Remotes: ropensci/wicket@99d3b14

Then I'd have circle-ci run:

run -ti -v $(pwd):/data -w /data rocker/geospatial:3.4.1 R -e 'devtools::install(); rmarkdown::render("manuscript.Rmd")'
sckott commented 6 years ago

made the changes, still getting a wicket error though, not sure why

sckott commented 6 years ago

got a successful run

now trying to get deploy working

sckott commented 6 years ago

working now except deploy is not working, meh, im over it, can't get it to work, can just manually update pdf in repo i guess

cboettig commented 6 years ago

yeah, I usually do that anyway so I don't like having to copy my credentials around. (I do wish GitHub would issue repo-specific PATs instead of global PATs!) Good that it builds on circle, that's always nice for reproducibility!

Anyway, I think this is good to go as a preprint now, yes?

sckott commented 6 years ago

i think so, okay if i submit?

(for deploy, i'll see if can get a deploy to S3 at least, so we have a stable URL to link to)

cboettig commented 6 years ago

yup, submit away! 🚀

For stable URL, let's just activate the Zenodo toggle and tag a preprint release. Of course that gives us only a DOI for the repo as a whole, but anyone just wanting the pdf file should probably use the DOI that goes to the preprint anyway.

sckott commented 6 years ago

Right, makes sense on Zenodo front, will do

sckott commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2017-09-26 at 11 51 18 am

thoughts @cboettig ?

sckott commented 6 years ago

computer sci i guess?

cboettig commented 6 years ago

I would go with Life Sci, since I think that's more the 'audience' of the piece.