sclevine / agouti

A WebDriver client and acceptance testing library for Go
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Method FindForAppium doesnt work #185

Open chordabmx opened 5 years ago

chordabmx commented 5 years ago

Hello, First of all sorry for bad English I'm using your library for automation end to end on mobile devices and facing issue that method FindForAppium doesnt work as it was ment to work Method body: func (s *selectable) FindForAppium(selectorType string, text string) *Selection { return newSelection(s.session, s.selectors.Append(target.Class, text).At(0)) } variable selectorType not used and as i can see here method use only target.Class but in package target all constants are defined: A11yID Type = "Accessibility ID: %s" AndroidAut Type = "Android UIAut.: %s" IOSAut Type = "iOS UIAut.: %s"

chordabmx commented 5 years ago

polite bump