scmbreeze / scm_breeze

Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
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`ls` directory content command not working anymore #212

Closed iacobson closed 7 years ago

iacobson commented 7 years ago

when running the ls command to see the directory content, I get the following error: fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

if I run source ~/.zshrc in the terminal / iterm2, this gets fixed, but then, each new terminal tab, will have the same issue.

I'm using zsh with ohmyzsh I think this issue started after the last update of ohmyzsh

Uninstalling completely the scm_breeze solves the issue, while installing it again brings back the same behaviour.

Please let me know if you need any more info

Update: when I am in a git repository, same ls command outputs error: option 'color' expects "always", "auto", or "never"

gaiottino commented 7 years ago

I've gotten the same issue. Very annoying.

mcocapiza commented 7 years ago

I had the same wrong behavior yesterday...I think I did a "brew update" by mistake and then discovered the "ls" didn't work anymore. By now and waiting for a fix, I commented the next line into the "~/.zshrc" file:

[ -s "/Users/mcocapiza/.scm_breeze/" ] && source "/Users/mcocapiza/.scm_breeze/"

Hope this is useful for you.

iacobson commented 7 years ago

@mcocapiza I think that disables the scm_breeze, which I wouldn't want to... I will try to disable some of the scm_breeze modules and leave only the git shortcuts, to see if that fixes anything

ndbroadbent commented 7 years ago

Sorry about that. I don't have much time to look into this and try to reproduce it, but it would be great if someone could figure this out and submit a pull request.

In the meantime you can add export shell_ls_aliases_enabled="false" to ~/.zshrc, which disables the "ls" aliases.

iacobson commented 7 years ago

@ndbroadbent thank you. Unfortunately I tried to add the export shell_ls_aliases_enabled="false" to .zshrc but still getting the same issue :/ Tried both in iTerm and Terminal

iacobson commented 7 years ago

@ndbroadbent Update: after trying the above, I tried to move the [ -s "$HOME/.scm_breeze/" ] && source "$HOME/.scm_breeze/" above source $ZSH/ in the .zshrc

This way ls works without manually running source ~/.zshrc

But this time I get this error each time i start a terminal: /Users/dorianiacobescu/.scm_breeze/lib/git/ command not found: compdef

baumhoto commented 7 years ago

seems to be related to the git_log_stat_alias . if you go to your ~/.git.scmbrc and change the alias from gls to something else e.g. glsa then it works again. git_log_stat_alias="glsa" Maybe someone can verify this?

gaiottino commented 7 years ago

@baumhoto that seems to have solved the issue. Thanks.

iacobson commented 7 years ago

@baumhoto it works, thanks!