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Git status output : wrong display of branch with dot(s) in filename #278

Open nqb opened 5 years ago

nqb commented 5 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

 gs
# On branch: devel  |  -16  |  [*] => $e*
 gco maintenance/8.1
Switched to branch 'maintenance/8.1'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/maintenance/8.1'.
 gs
# On branch: maintenance/8  |  [*] => $e*

That could lead to errors when you have several 8.X branches.

ghthor commented 5 years ago

Git branch name handling has so many other darn bugs too when handling the different classes of "refs" for remotes and the local repository. It needs to get an overhaul with some new guts. Sorry if this has caused you any major problems.