scmbreeze / scm_breeze

Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
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ASYNC_PTYS[]: invalid parameter name #305

Closed dzlab closed 3 years ago

dzlab commented 3 years ago

I've installed scm_breeze and now for any git command i keep getting the same error

➜ repo (feature/1) ✗ git status
# On branch: feature/1  |  [*] => $e*
➤ Changes not staged for commit
#       modified: [1] file1.scala 
#       modified: [2] file2.scala 
#       modified: [3] file3.scala 
➜  repo (feature/1) ✗ zle -F 11 _async_zle_watcher
➜  repo (feature/1) ✗ 
async_stop_worker:unset:9: ASYNC_PTYS[]: invalid parameter name

I'm on macOS Catalina 10.15.6 and using Oh My Zsh

I'm not sure who is trying to do the zle -F 11 _async_zle_watcher, I looked into scm_breeze and couldn't find any reference to this command. Any hints how I could fix this?

dzlab commented 3 years ago

It turns out the problem was cased by this line in ~/.zshrc

[ -s "/Users/dzlab/.scm_breeze/" ] && source "/Users/dzlab/.scm_breeze/"

Removing the first part and keeping the source part fixed the problem

source "/Users/dzlab/.scm_breeze/"
ghthor commented 3 years ago

That's a very strange problem, I'm glad that you got it fixed. zsh must be doing something unexpected for a pattern as common as check if source file exists && source the file to break.