scmorrison / humantranslated

Japanese Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) system.
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Target features for initial release #1

Open scmorrison opened 9 years ago

scmorrison commented 9 years ago

@oneilkevin, @jonasuke,

Let's use this issue to start working out the target feature set for the initial release.


  1. Separate API service, separate clients (web, android, iOS)
  2. Oauth2 based authentication.
  3. API generates JSON unless HTML is absolutely required.
  4. Web client (AngularJS) handles user interface for logging in / registration via browser.
  5. Smartphone clients handle user interface for logging in / registration via respective apps.

    Client features

  6. Register, login, change password, cancel account, reset password
  7. Create story
    1. auto-parse stories into individual words + furigana
    2. auto-generate vocabulary lists based on parsed stories
    3. user can hide / unhide words
    4. add to / remove from Group
  8. Create manage Groups
  9. Sharing (individual story, Groups)
    1. Shred link
    2. Email link
  10. Shared with me - List of Groups / stories shared with user
    1. Unshare - Does the target user need to remove a shared story?

      Future ideas

1) Live lessons - WebRTC - Online man-to-man lesson through site managed by users.

kevoneil commented 9 years ago

List looks good so far! When shall we have the first meeting? Will next week work for everyone?

scmorrison commented 9 years ago

Hey @oneilkevin, I have added a dummy data load script to create an "admin" user. I will update it to add in a few other users + stories. Happy New Year!

kevoneil commented 9 years ago

Thank you! Happy New Year to you as well!

kevoneil commented 9 years ago

Thanks again for the push/update. Will test it out by this weekend! By the way, is Shin back in town? When would you guys be able to have a meeting?

scmorrison commented 9 years ago

Hi @oneilkevin, I have added more examples to the dummy data script and added a basic outline of the API in the README. Still lots to do... ha

scmorrison commented 9 years ago

I think he is back, but I haven't heard from him. I will try to get in touch with him tomorrow. We can do a meeting this week / weekend if everyone is available. Are weekends best for you? Or after work in the evenings?

kevoneil commented 9 years ago

Thanks! Weekends are best for me.

kevoneil commented 9 years ago

Hi! Thanks for updating the repo. Just to let you know, I have made some progress with AngularJS, I might need to practice over the weekend. Should I just create another branch and practice on that?

scmorrison commented 9 years ago

Hi Kevin, yes, that would probably be a good idea. I will be doing more work on the API this weekend as well.

scmorrison commented 9 years ago

Hey Kevin, I have reset all of the code using the latest meanjs project as a base. We will need to make a few architecture decisions as HT evolves that will likely diverge from the meanjs base. But I think we should keep an eye on the meanjs project and try to implement any relevant security updates as we see fit.

For now, do a 'git pull', then 'npm install' to grab the latest code. Use 'grunt' to start the server. Then you will see a working AngularJS interface at http://localhost:3000.

Thanks, Sam

kevoneil commented 9 years ago

Got it, thank you! Will do!

kevoneil commented 9 years ago

Would you still be able to have a meeting today?

scmorrison commented 9 years ago

I am around if you want to do a hangout. It is up to you.