scoavoux / PandocTools

Sublime Text 3 package for pandoc markdown academic writing.
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Redefine syntax highlight hierarchy #9

Open scoavoux opened 9 years ago

scoavoux commented 9 years ago

Currently, blockquotes and inline quotes take precedence over footnotes, citation keys, bold and emphasis in syntax highlighting. This makes is hard to see whether a blockquote paragraph is properly referenced, for instance.

  1. footnotes and citations keys should have precedence over blockquotes and inline quotes
  2. bold and emphasis should appear in a different color than the rest of the quote -- but still not as they appear in regular paragraphs. (The same is true for how they appear in footnote text)
  3. nested lists should be distinguished
  4. multiline lists should not be confused with code despite them starting with four spaces
scoavoux commented 9 years ago

waiting for the new syntax in build 3084