scolladon / sfdx-git-delta

Generate the sfdx content in source format from two git commits
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Test classes are missed #780

Closed ena9 closed 7 months ago

ena9 commented 7 months ago

when I want to create destructiveChanges.xml file, there is no Apex test class in it, although they should be there

scolladon commented 7 months ago

Hi @ena9!

Thanks for raising this issue and thanks for contributing in making this project better!

Can you please tell me more about it ? What is the environment ? (Os, git version, node version, sfdx version, sgd version) How can I reproduce the issue locally (step by step) ?

ena9 commented 7 months ago

I tried to reproduce it one more time, and maybe you could please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

  1. created a new xxxx branch from a development branch
  2. created new apex classes
  3. added commit to the branch
  4. checked out to the development branch
  5. run in the terminal "sfdx sgd:source:delta --to development --from update_jira_records --output ."

    result in the attached screenshot

scolladon commented 7 months ago

Do the changes made in the new branch are committed ? I think you should invert from and to parameters as well. Because the oldest branch in this case is the development branch I guess.

ena9 commented 7 months ago

yes, changes are committed

ena9 commented 7 months ago

i tried to invert from and to parameters. it doesn't work for me

scolladon commented 7 months ago

What version of the plugin are you using ?

I see the classes are not in a classes folder. Meaning the plugin in the latest version is not able to recognize their type. Two choices:

ena9 commented 7 months ago

yes, the reason for this issue is that I use a custom folder structure for the classes thank you

scolladon commented 7 months ago

Do you think I can still help ? Or should we close this issue ?

ena9 commented 7 months ago

thank you for the support. you can close the issue