scolladon / sfdx-git-delta

Generate the sfdx content in source format from two git commits
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I can't find sgd-plugin when running on windows based gitlab-runner #805

Closed hwanginaver closed 3 months ago

hwanginaver commented 4 months ago

What is the problem?

In Windows powdershell, sgd-plugins can be found normally.

I can't find sgd-plugin when running on windows based gitlab-runner

=> In window powershell yarn -v ; node -v ; git --version ; sfdx --version ; sfdx plugins 1.22.21 v21.6.2 git version @salesforce/cli/2.30.8 win32-x64 node-v20.11.1 @salesforce/sfdx-scanner 3.21.0 sfdx-git-delta 5.34.0

Uninstalled JIT Plugins: community 3.0.21 custom-metadata 3.1.12 dev 2.1.13 devops-center 1.2.6 env 3.0.20 functions 1.22.11 signups 2.0.24

=> In gitlab-runner sf sgd:source:delta -t HEAD -f HEAD~1 --output . -s force-app/main/default » Warning: sgd source delta is not a sf command.

Operating System:

yarn version: … 1.22.21 node version: … v21.6.2 git version: … git version sfdx version: … @salesforce/cli/2.30.8 win32-x64 node-v20.11.1

sgd plugin version:

No plugins installed. Uninstalled JIT Plugins: community 3.0.21 custom-metadata 3.1.12 dev 2.1.13 devops-center 1.2.6 env 3.0.20 functions 1.22.11 signups 2.0.24 @salesforce/sfdx-plugin-lwc-test 1.1.1 @salesforce/sfdx-scanner 3.21.0

scolladon commented 4 months ago

Hi @hwanginaver !

Thanks for raising this issue and thanks for contributing in making this project better!

Could you share the gitlab configuration please ? I'd like to be able to reproduce it and see for myself.

Is it link somehow to docker ? If so then maybe this thread can help

hwanginaver commented 4 months ago

I did't use docker. I only copied the url below. and sample yml file

 - login

  stage: login
  tags : [windowrunner]
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "tempdevwindow" 
    - '[System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8'
    - openssl enc -nosalt -aes-256-cbc -d -in asset/server.key.enc -out server.key -base64 -K $ServerKey -iv $ServerIv
    - sfdx auth:jwt:grant --clientid $ConsumerKey --jwtkeyfile server.key --username $UserName --setdefaultdevhubusername --setalias my-hub-org --instanceurl;
    - sfdx auth:list
    - sfdx config:list
    - yarn -v ; node -v ; git --version ; sfdx --version ; sfdx plugins
    - sf version --verbose --json
    - sf sgd:source:delta -t HEAD -f HEAD~1 --output . -s force-app/main/default

Is there a config file that sets the sfdx-cli to find a specific plugin? Or do I need to add a specific path, or do I need file access permission?

So when reinstalling sfdx-cli and reinstalling sgd plugin, I got the error below. Is that error not relevant?

 »   Warning: sfdx-git-delta > @salesforce/command@5.3.9: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at
 » for more info.
 »   Warning: sfdx-git-delta > @salesforce/command > @oclif/core > @oclif/screen@3.0.8: Package no longer supported.
 »   Contact Support at for more info.
 »   Warning: "sfdx-git-delta > @salesforce/command > @oclif/test > @oclif/core > ts-node@10.9.2" has unmet peer
 »   dependency "@types/node@*".
 »   Warning: "sfdx-git-delta > @salesforce/command > @oclif/test > @oclif/core > ts-node@10.9.2" has unmet peer
 »   dependency "typescript@>=2.7".

my window sfdx version verbose

  "architecture": "win32-x64",
  "cliVersion": "@salesforce/cli/2.30.8",
  "nodeVersion": "node-v20.11.1",
  "osVersion": "Windows_NT 10.0.19045",
  "rootPath": "C:\\Program Files\\sf\\client",
  "shell": "cmd.exe",
  "pluginVersions": [
    "@oclif/plugin-autocomplete 3.0.9 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-commands 3.1.4 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-help 6.0.13 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-not-found 3.0.11 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-plugins 4.2.5 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-search 1.0.16 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-update 4.1.13 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-version 2.0.12 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 3.0.12 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-which 3.1.0 (core)",
    "@salesforce/cli 2.30.8 (core)",
    "apex 3.0.25 (core)",
    "auth 3.3.13 (core)",
    "data 3.1.1 (core)",
    "deploy-retrieve 3.2.16 (core)",
    "info 3.0.27 (core)",
    "limits 3.1.10 (core)",
    "marketplace 1.0.25 (core)",
    "org 3.3.14 (core)",
    "packaging 2.1.10 (core)",
    "schema 3.1.3 (core)",
    "settings 2.0.27 (core)",
    "sobject 1.1.13 (core)",
    "source 3.1.15 (core)",
    "telemetry 3.1.13 (core)",
    "templates 56.0.16 (core)",
    "trust 3.3.10 (core)",
    "user 3.2.11 (core)",
    "sfdx-git-delta 5.34.0 (user)"

gitlab-runner sfdx version verbose

  "architecture": "win32-x64",
  "cliVersion": "@salesforce/cli/2.30.8",
  "nodeVersion": "node-v20.11.1",
  "osVersion": "Windows_NT 10.0.19045",
  "rootPath": "C:\\Program Files\\sf\\client",
  "shell": "cmd.exe",
  "pluginVersions": [
    "@oclif/plugin-autocomplete 3.0.9 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-commands 3.1.4 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-help 6.0.13 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-not-found 3.0.11 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-plugins 4.2.5 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-search 1.0.16 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-update 4.1.13 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-version 2.0.12 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 3.0.12 (core)",
    "@oclif/plugin-which 3.1.0 (core)",
    "@salesforce/cli 2.30.8 (core)",
    "apex 3.0.25 (core)",
    "auth 3.3.13 (core)",
    "data 3.1.1 (core)",
    "deploy-retrieve 3.2.16 (core)",
    "info 3.0.27 (core)",
    "limits 3.1.10 (core)",
    "marketplace 1.0.25 (core)",
    "org 3.3.14 (core)",
    "packaging 2.1.10 (core)",
    "schema 3.1.3 (core)",
    "settings 2.0.27 (core)",
    "sobject 1.1.13 (core)",
    "source 3.1.15 (core)",
    "telemetry 3.1.13 (core)",
    "templates 56.0.16 (core)",
    "trust 3.3.10 (core)",
    "user 3.2.11 (core)"
scolladon commented 4 months ago

So when reinstalling sfdx-cli and reinstalling sgd plugin, I got the error below. Is that error not relevant?

Those are warnings, I think they are ok because we have not yet migrated to sf v2 plugin architecture as we still have a huge customer base on the old sfdx cli.

So, if I understand properly, this issue occurs when running "Gitlab runner" locally right ? How the sfdx cli and the plugin are installed inside this runner ? Do you have a configuration file for that as well ?

scolladon commented 4 months ago

Hi @hwanginaver

Do you still have the issue ? Did you have time to go through my questions to help me understand the issue and how to reproduce it ?

scolladon commented 3 months ago

Closing the issue

If you still have the problem and have more information, feel free to reopen it.