sconover / wrong

Wrong provides a general assert method that takes a predicate block. Assertion failure messages are rich in detail.
MIT License
434 stars 31 forks source link

1 tests, 0 assertions #3

Closed robotarmy closed 13 years ago

robotarmy commented 13 years ago

How can Wrong's assert {} be counted as an assertion ?

robotarmy commented 13 years ago

i am also getting 1) Error: test_has_one_user_status(ReviewTest): NameError: undefined local variable or method failure_class' for #<Wrong::Chunk:0x10b01d5b8> wrong (0.4.2) lib/wrong/chunk.rb:136:incode' wrong (0.4.2) lib/wrong/assert.rb:64:in full_message' wrong (0.4.2) lib/wrong/assert.rb:99:inaver' wrong (0.4.2) lib/wrong/assert.rb:34:in assert' test/unit/review_test.rb:123:intest_has_one_user_status'

My version of ruby_parser-2.0.4 and sexp_processor-3.0.4 caused this and the above issue

ruby_parser-2.0.5 and sexp_processor-3.0.5

fixed this for me.

thenrio commented 13 years ago

I expect {} to evaluate err ... no code What is the value of testing no code ? Curious, Thierry