scoofy / wxStocks

wxStocks: Write your own screens, ranking functions, and even high level analysis algorithms to help you review portfolio. Newest release allow SEC XBRL data and more or import your own data by writing your own custom importers. wxStocks is currently in python 3 with a ZODB database.
198 stars 54 forks source link in Gui Position Index #4

Closed paulhoff closed 5 years ago

paulhoff commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for putting this together. Still figuring it out.
When I ran this under windows I had to comment out lines 23 and 24 in

if config.ENCRYPTION_POSSIBLE and (config.OS_TYPE_INDEX != 0): # if encryption and not on mac


because it threw an error about "logging" on my Windows machine:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 85, in main() File "", line 82, in main import wxStocks_modules.wxStocks_gui as gui File "D:\wxstocks\wxStocks_modules\", line 23, in from wxStocks_modules import wxStocks_gui_position_index as gui_position File "D:\wxstocks\wxStocks_modules\", line 20, in class WelcomePage(object): File "D:\wxstocks\wxStocks_modules\", line 24, in WelcomePage"FINISH THIS TEMPORARY RESTRUCTURING TO WORK CROSSPLATFORM") NameError: name 'logging' is not defined

But then it seemed to work fine.

scoofy commented 5 years ago

Ha! Thanks for pointing that out, i need to import logging into the position module. I can do that now

scoofy commented 5 years ago


scoofy commented 5 years ago

It's a work in progress, i'm now modifying the xbrl importer in a separate library on my github page to be reintroduced as an independent module. Since yql died it's been a lot less useful, but if i can manage to get serious 10-K parsing working... watch out