Open inconstante opened 5 years ago
No ideas yet, but we have a history of issues with completions involving variables. In this case I don't think it's a matter of definedness; in your above case it's seemingly related to whether the path including the variable expands to a valid dir. If it does, then the backslashes appear; if it doesn't, they don't. For example:
$ unset foo
$ less /var/log/$foo/
Display all 103 possibilities? (y or n)
$ less /var/log/\$foo/
was unset, so /var/log/$foo/
expanded to /var/log//
and offers the 103 files I have there. $foo
got escaped. This is consistent with your test case.
$ foo=bar
$ less /var/log/$foo/
No completions offered, /var/log/bar/
does not exist, $foo
was not backslashed. Also consistent with your test case.
$ foo=apt
$ less /var/log/$foo/
eipp.log.xz history.log.3.gz term.log term.log.4.gz
history.log history.log.4.gz term.log.10.gz term.log.5.gz
history.log.10.gz history.log.5.gz term.log.11.gz term.log.6.gz
history.log.11.gz history.log.6.gz term.log.12.gz term.log.7.gz
history.log.12.gz history.log.7.gz term.log.1.gz term.log.8.gz
history.log.1.gz history.log.8.gz term.log.2.gz term.log.9.gz
history.log.2.gz history.log.9.gz term.log.3.gz $ less /var/log/\$foo/
Contents of /var/log/apt/
offered as completions, $foo
did get escaped, unlike in your test case.
Mar 10, Apr 21 and not fixed? I filed this as a new bug 1) because the above doesn't clearly state it as a bug, 2) because this "issue" isn't labeled as a bug (when it clearly is), 3) because this issue seems to be dead (not moving toward a fix), 4) due to the frequency that people report this problem as a bug in bash on the bug-bash list until the bash-author asks them if they have bash-completion installed as it's been a long outstanding problem with bash-completion and 5) I don't have write access to this bug and can't update things like the title to at least make it clear that it is a bug.
I don't understand. This isn't a bug in bash's native expansion/completion, but is only seen when people install this package. Which file is causing this?
Also, I don't understand why you suggested updating this from 2.5->2.8 when 2.8 doesn't fix the problem. I wasn't experiencing any other problems...
1, 2, and 5: This project doesn't really use labels. 3: Yes, this project suffers from chronic lack of manpower. Writing replies like this and trying to keep the issue tracker relatively clean from duplicates etc consumes some of that. 4: Yes, as said it's a longstanding issue. And unfortunate.
Our bash_completion file is the cause, and I guess the _variables function. Fixes welcome.
I didn't suggest upgrading to any particular version. Anyway, good to hear you haven't run into any other issues, a lot of them have been fixed nevertheless. There's pretty much only one "supported" version, which is the latest release, and fixes will only appear in git and new releases. Therefore it makes sense to use the newest when reporting bugs or checking if they have been fixed.
You're welcome.
Complete bash source code including the fix is here You may want to use it with the bellow change in bash_completion version 2.11
diff -uNr bash_completion.orig bash_completion --- bash_completion.orig 2021-10-22 22:25:21.000000000 +0700
+++ bash_completion 2021-11-10 10:59:09.204587448 +0700
@@ -570,6 +570,11 @@
local -a toks
local reset arg=${1-}
+ if [[ $cur == \'* || $cur == \"* ]]; then
+ # Leave out first character
+ cur="${cur:1}"
+ fi
if [[ $arg == -d ]]; then
reset=$(shopt -po noglob)
set -o noglob
@@ -578,8 +583,8 @@
- local quoted
- _quote_readline_by_ref "${cur-}" quoted
+ local quoted="$cur"
+ ##_quote_readline_by_ref "${cur-}" quoted
# Munge xspec to contain uppercase version too
@Mark-Joy wrote:
Complete bash source code including the fix is here
Wow that's more code than I was hoping. Have you attempted to get this fixed in bash upstream? I realize the copyright assignment is a pain, but perhaps you'll get lucky and they'll fix it a different way.
Either way, it's obviously important to provide a clear description of the problematic behavior (perhaps mostly by reference) rather than just sending them this 200+-line patch to what might be the hairiest part of the shell.
Meanwhile, perhaps I'll go and install zsh on my phone ...
In _quote_readline_by_ref, unset variables get escaped, whereas set variables don't, for instance:
Originally reported at