scopatz / nanorc

Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files
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Manjaro: Installation instructions should specify $install_path #298

Open zifredder opened 4 years ago

zifredder commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the nice package!

Installing the package on Manjaro via the package manager did not work right away. In your installation instructions under Configuration, you specify that this command needs to be run after installation: echo "include $install_path/*.nanorc" >> ~/.nanorc However, there is no information about where the variable $install_path is supposed to point to. If not set (which is the case if the package manager was used), include /*.nanorc is written to .nanorc, which of course won't work. I had to look up in the package manager where the {lang}.nanorc files are placed (in /usr/share/nano-syntax-highlighting/). Not a big deal, but confusing, especially because the path to the definition files is not apparent to the user if they use the package manager.

(I hope I did not miss something and this is a valid issue -- I'm not too experienced with Linux.)


scopatz commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the pointing this out. PRs are always welcome!