scopatz / nanorc

Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files
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support vue and or svelte. #420

Open susnick opened 6 months ago

susnick commented 6 months ago

Im looking for language support hat has a mix of other languages. Svelte would have javascript/typescript, html, css in one file. They have different comment characters for each type. Is this possible?

davidhcefx commented 4 months ago

I don't think it is possible, because Nano currently only accepts one highlighting for the whole file. By the way, do you know any other text editor or plugins that has this ability?

iconoclasthero commented 1 month ago

I got to this repo because nano's not highlighting .vue files. Just looking around to see if the files in this repo will syntax highlight .vue files without e.g., symlinking them to a .js extension and I found this thread at the top of the list...

Does this repo provide an easy way to get (what i assume i want is) js formatting for *.vue files? Can I modify something to just add js support for *.vue?

iconoclasthero commented 1 month ago

Oh, I see, you can't just slap an extension on .vue files. *^&%.