scorelab / OpenXDR

Real-time Opensource Extended Detection And Response System
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Perform a comprehensive literature study of network anomaly detection models in large scale enviornments #3

Closed sameeravithana closed 2 years ago

sameeravithana commented 8 years ago

Tasks DoD:

xiaoleihuang commented 8 years ago

I read some papers. Most common methods deploy clustering based methods. The statistical learning might not be useful sometime though.

Here is a paper that introduces some anomaly detection open source softwares. Surveys.pdf

I will add more comments if possible. But currently I am overwhelmed by my master thesis's deadline this month.

xiaoleihuang commented 8 years ago

I found some open source resources might be useful. Here is a list of machine learning open sources overall:; I search some open sources that support large scale machine learning methods:

  1. Mahout Yes, mahout is known for recommender system, it is also known for optimizing math computation like linear algebra. It is powerful tool for its built-in ML packages.
  2. Spark Mlib: This contains a collections of ML algorithms and models that can be deployed on Spark.
  3. Others such as H2O

For Anomaly Detection, Twitter owns one: For streaming anomaly detection evaluation, this link will be helpful:

xiaoleihuang commented 8 years ago

New direction might be Deep Learning, such as Recurrent or Convolutional Neural Networks, LSTM, etc. But those are computationally expensive. Open Sources: Theano, TensorFlow, Deeplearning4j(java).

Ammoniya commented 2 years ago
