scorpio / filemanager

A online file manager for rails project,support file/folder actions such as browse, create, rename, remove, copy, move, zip download, upload, unzip, view by type, support internationalization of both file path and page description
MIT License
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No such file or directory - /vendor/plugins on rails 3.0 #1

Open Lukom opened 13 years ago

Lukom commented 13 years ago

I have Rails 3 app and I'm trying to setup filemanager. What I've done:

  1. added to Gemfile: gem 'filemanager' then bundle install
  2. added to application.rb after require 'rails/all': $FM_OVERWRITE = true require 'filemanager' then rails server and got exception: DEPRECATION WARNING: RAILS_ROOT is deprecated. Please use ::Rails.root.to_s. C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/1.8/fileutils.rb:1236:in `mkdir' ... C:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/filemanager-0.3.1/lib/filemanager.rb:16 ... D:/projects/lukomorg/config/application.rb:7 ... Uncaught exception: No such file or directory - /vendor/plugins
scorpio commented 13 years ago

It doesn't work in bundle environment, I will fix it later, maybe need several days. Before that, you can copy filemanager.yml to config/, copy related folder to app/controllers/ and public/ manually, that should be work.