scorta / GuessPrivateKey

Searching Private Key(s) for given Bitcoin address(es)
42 stars 39 forks source link

if find #3

Closed Bronxphoneix closed 5 years ago

Bronxphoneix commented 5 years ago

hi scorta, this app if find bitcoin ? how to warn ? or write txt file ? how know it

scorta commented 5 years ago

Hi, if found a key, the program will print info to a file, which has the same name to that WIF key. Eg. if it found the key "L59eMgqKqxCGXrDWhGwVBZbQBra482LRLzyAj6g5CGKdq6ABCvXz", it will create a file name "L59eMgqKqxCGXrDWhGwVBZbQBra482LRLzyAj6g5CGKdq6ABCvXz.txt" and write these info into it:

1zJBmcSDHZ97Sjm6TmtM5M7ZdPzuiBABm //address
L59eMgqKqxCGXrDWhGwVBZbQBra482LRLzyAj6g5CGKdq6ABCvXz //key in WIF format
EC9B83954E3E5001E34B02A1705779D2B59264BB54784815B3AA3EBC10C622F0 //key in HEX format

So if you find a new .txt file in the same folder with this program, you have found a wallet!

Note: if it cannot create file(s), it will print these info into the screen. Cheer.