scorzy / IdleSpace2

IdleSpace 2
MIT License
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production charts in IdleSpace #37

Open RimeOCRLIB opened 2 years ago

RimeOCRLIB commented 2 years ago

Good day. Any chance to add production charts to IdleSpace? It is really useful tool to plan production. It is a lot of charts component for Angular and IdleSpace already have almost all production and spending data. If you give me a point where this production data is stored we may try to help.

Also. We have main engine for flOw rewritten into HTML5 This logic and dynamic will be good addition for Idle Ants and Idle Space. In long time production pause user may click the manual resource gathering.

Have a nice day! Alexander.

scorzy commented 2 years ago

Hi, I think charts are nice to have but not top priority. If I were adding stuff to IdleSpace I would add more gameplay content. What kind of chart would you add?

RimeOCRLIB commented 2 years ago

Good day. Thank you for reply. At first it will be nice to add main production and spending charts for main resources with prediction. Part of this data game already have as prediction of the time when resource will end. Chart will give more detailed understanding of production process.

Most confusion points it is drone automation and expansion automation. If this automation results add to main production charts and resources charts user would be able to set Priority and Res. % in automation. For now Res slider make confusion result on game progress and right balance of automation really hard to achieve.