scotch-io / scotch-box-build-scripts

These are the build scripts that come with purchasing access to Scotch Box Pro.
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VMware issues (with workarounds) #5

Open Kier opened 6 years ago

Kier commented 6 years ago

The build scripts have a few issues when working with the vmware_desktop provider instead of the default virtualbox host - but thankfully they can be worked around as far as I can tell.


Obviously, the Vagrantfile needs some adjustment to work with VMware - and in some cases the edits are not obvious.

Firstly, the build scripts need to be told not to create a linked clone of the base box, otherwise packaging will fail later. The config additions look like this (as far as I can tell):

    config.vm.provider "vmware_desktop" do |vmware|
        vmware.linked_clone = false

Secondly, the default scotchbox synced_folder config won't work with VMware, because the VMware version doesn't support dmode and fmode parameters, relying instead on umask config.

Therefore, we change the folder sync line as follows:

config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/var/www", :mount_options => ["umask=000"]

Apache installation

This has been a painful learning process, but it turns out that for some reason there is a permissions failure when attempting to install Apache due to it trying to create /var/www/html and failing, which results in Apache not being installed at all. This applies only to VMware, but the issue can be mitigated by creating a html folder in the folder along with the Vagrantfile and before attempting to run vagrant up.


I'll keep this updated with any further issues and workarounds I find, as I find them.

Kier commented 6 years ago

A few notes on the Apache issue: resolved in