scotch / angular-brunch-seed

AngularJS + Brunch
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Repair windows batch files #21

Closed moitias closed 11 years ago

moitias commented 11 years ago

Hi, seems like npm creates .cmd files in .bin that call the actual javascript files, similar to the shell scripts it creates there.

Previously, you called the javascript files directly, that got executed correctly on *nix (and cygwin, I'd imagine) due to the hashbang which doesn't exist on Windows and Serge created the batch files to address this - eg. to call 'node node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch'.

When changing them to use node_modules/.bin, calling the node executable stuck around and thus it tried to run the generated shellscript with node, resulting in errors when running the batch files on Windows.

The extra call to the node binary is now removed and this pull should fix the batch files to run correctly on the first run for those of us that have to use Windows..

Thanks for the skeleton, though, I'm liking it!

kylefinley commented 11 years ago

Hi Matias,

Thank you for taking the time to put this together, and for the explanation. I had no idea this would cause a problem. I learned something today.

Could be please add a pull request with your information added to the file?

Thanks again,


moitias commented 11 years ago


updated authors + contributors, as it seemed to be the norm.
