scott-vincent / instrument-data-link

An instrument data link for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
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Can't link to MSFS SDK #1

Closed madvic2019 closed 3 years ago

madvic2019 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm a total newbie with this, I've installed FSX SDK SP2, but when I try to compile the instrument panel data link project I get the error (sorry it's in Spanish)

Error MSB4019 No se encontró el proyecto "C:\Users\MSFS SDK\SimConnect SDK\VS\SimConnectClient-static.props" importado. Confirme que la expresión de la declaración Import "..........\MSFS SDK\SimConnect SDK\VS\SimConnectClient-static.props" es correcta y que el archivo existe en el disco. instrument-data-link C:\Users\victor\source\repos\instrument-data-link\instrument-data-link\instrument-data-link.vcxproj 70

The point is that I don't find any folder with name "MSFS SDK" in my computer.

Thanks in advance

scott-vincent commented 3 years ago

I built it for FS2020 so you want the FS2020 SDK which you get by going into the game then Options -> General -> Developers and turn on developer mode. Then select SDK Installer from the Help menu that appears at the top of the window. This will download the SDK to C:\MSFS SDK which is where the project expects to find it.

scott-vincent commented 3 years ago

Alternatively, just use my pre-built version which is already linked with the static SDK so you don't need to download it.

madvic2019 commented 3 years ago

Thanks!. I made it work with some tweaking.

Thanks a lot

madvic2019 commented 3 years ago

Maybe let the prebuilt version be visible in the repo

scott-vincent commented 3 years ago

Yes, the prebuilt version is available in the repo. It's standard GitHub. Just look under Releases.