scottalford75 / Remora-RP2040-W5500

Remora firmware for RP2040 with W5500 Ethernet
5 stars 7 forks source link

tests #2

Open jschoch opened 1 year ago

jschoch commented 1 year ago

Hey Scott,

I was going to mess around with this code, but see if I can get it running on an esp32.

Before I really dug in i was thinking it would be nice to write some tests. Have you thought about testing much?

What I as thinking was trying to abstract as much as possible so the basic mechanics could be built/tested native x86 with mocks for the MCU specific code. Since there are so many versions of remora I'm not quite sure what a good reusable framework to do this would be but I think it would be nice to have the communication protocols testable and consistent.

so something like -> mock transport -> base_thread -> mock timers/stepgen

scottalford75 commented 1 year ago

Hi Jesse,

I've not really thought about the topic or know much about unit testing. If you have some ideas I'd be interested to hear.

Thanks Scott