scottalford75 / Remora-RT1052-cpp

Remora firmware for RT1052 based CNC controllers. C++ version
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Create FreeRTOS Repository #4

Open Geramy opened 9 months ago

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Hey Scott,

If you would like to make a repository specific for RTOS I’ll work on setting up the initial project. I think faster communications like you talked about will take this firmware another step up perhaps past the level of the mesa cards because of availability and cost :) plus more communication time means lower latencies between LinuxCNC and motion card and means faster velocity with less errors and that’s exciting enough, that will make probing even more stable too.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

This is really interesting,

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I would recommend possibly ThreadX as apparently it is more safe for real time systems, where its actually certified as real-time for medical industry and luckily this rt1052 gets a free pass and can use it without any extra fee's.


Last Updated: 2023-02-10

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Geramy commented 9 months ago

How much external ram does our device have? Do you have those specifications?

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

I think FreeRTOS will be an ok first step as it's packaged with MCUXpresso. I'll start to have a look during the week, work permitting.

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

Azure RTOS is now in SDK builder! Just downloading now.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I got it all packaged together with ethernet and threads :), the SDK Builder sucks sometimes to get it all right, you will need threadx and netxduo

Geramy commented 9 months ago

You can take a look here, I have to do modifications to 8720a and some other parts of the ethernet jungle. mainly adapting from two different styles I guess or versions. Mainy with Phy_Init, I have receiving working, in theory, doesnt compile yet haha.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I created 3 Threads, Networking, Control, and DMA. I assume we would have 3 threads so that we can do monitoring and figure out how much cpu usage each one is using so we can do optimizing :) that will be super fun! Oh yeah I have no idea yet how to implement all that stuff you got into the Azure RTOS, but Azure RTOS real-time is certified for medical whereas FreeRTOS is not and people state that Azure RTOS is more real-time than FreeRTOS which is what we need when we're talking about a CNC.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Do you still want to use timers or just go straight to threading and skip timers? If you could message me a basic architecture here. I’m looking at messaging queues but to be honest there’s almost no point in that when it’s not really multiple core type threading and it’s a lot of overhead I think instead of just using a mutex. I’m working on making remora DMA classes to handle all the setup for DMA and I’ll do the same for the following stuff inside the main cpp file, try to cut down the file a little but not too much that we are super heavy in a ton of objects.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I was going to move everything to C++ but to be honest the amount of heap/stack memory available is so low I think it might just be a bad idea...... thoughts, because i keep running out of memory?

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

We can probably move away from timers all together and have the control thread and Sevro thread objects run at +2 times the LinuxCNC servo frequency to ensure up to date tx data for the Ethernet thread. Software PWM module would be an issue without a timer tough.

In MCUXpresso the heap and stack size can be increased. I had to do this when I was working on the C++ version. That said, the DMA config stuff could be left as C code as there is only one instance of that needed. The module objects make sense in C++

I forked your test repo, but could not get it to compile...

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

Just updated my fork and has a look at your latest updated. Nice work, I must say! I'd change the base_thread to be called the servo_thread (slower). The servo thread iterator could then sit in the state machine.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

haha thanks! I tried my best, but man always when you start a new project or start on a new project you really got to dig deep and figure out how it all should come together lol. Like an art almost. I got compiling but I think my flash start and length is wrong. But thats fine I won't be able to actually test my code until friday. So then we got 4 Threads, Base, DMA, Servo, Networking? I did notice the DMA in this instance really has no way to be C++ unless we defined multiple buffers inth e case we were gonna run multiple DMA classes but again only one DMA unit with 16 channels so it doesnt matter in this case. I was trying to find if they had C++ classes for allocating memory in a non cachable area but i cant find anything and then the whole tcdMemory thing, I don't really understand whats going on there except it looks like we are aligning it inside the memory? but not too sure what its for.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

for the software pwm we can let Azure RTOS handle the timing, how about the messaging queues? Do you think we should switch to Azure RTOS Messaging queue system or just use the mutex and stick with raw variables. I'm thinking queue and stuff is going to add overhead and to be honest it would be nice because then we are using the system how we should, but if there is no extra RAM sticks on this controller board we are going to burn a lot of space for something we don't absolutely need because its only technically one core and we don't need queues only mutex so we don't get collisions.

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

I'm on the learning curve here with ThreadX and how the timing is determined, so I'm guessing we could use the underlying thread timing as the time base for modules like PWM. I'd keep things as simple as possible and then if needed move to more elaborate stuff. So DMA going back to the C implementation so save memory do you think?

On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 8:53 AM Geramy @.***> wrote:

for the software pwm we can let Azure RTOS handle the timing, how about the messaging queues? Do you think we should switch to Azure RTOS Messaging queue system or just use the mutex and stick with raw variables. I'm thinking queue and stuff is going to add overhead and to be honest it would be nice because then we are using the system how we should, but if there is no extra RAM sticks on this controller board we are going to burn a lot of space for something we don't absolutely need because its only technically one core and we don't need queues only mutex so we don't get collisions.

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Geramy commented 9 months ago

I think I will leave it since we have to get the DMA stuff working inside other modules like tftp but i'll drop the memory usage as much as possible and just use static variables from configuration I already dropped the memory to 80% I think. Which is very close to what it was before. But I agree on not trying to move more stuff to C++ just only what is really needed, i'm so used to classes and stuff its rough not to be able to use them haha.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

The networking was actually using all the SRAM_DTC haha, I had packet size at like 1536 and then 80 total packets could be stored in the buffer, I changed it to 512 byte but I think we can lower it to the lowest amount of space needed for ICMP and LinuxCNC is only 68 bytes right, so i'll look that up and see about dropping it some more, but there is plenty of space now to class some more stuff up.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Which thread or frequency is in charge of communications with LinuxCNC right now? Servo or Base Frequency? I would like for us to communicate anytime there is a change, so maybe what we can do is actually have a messaging queue for sending data to LinuxCNC, I was thinking before maybe not, but actually I think it makes sense for us to use some queues to send data to DMA, Servo or PWM threads, one for each thread maybe. That will reduce need for mutexes. The other thing is the only thread maybe we should have is the networking thread where we can actually sleep so that we dont have thread starvation. We have to technically tell a thread that it gets to skip a tick for the other threads to actually run. I guess what might help is to know whats the best and worse case scenario for LinuxCNC networking. What would be a good latency and a bad latency and that will get us a best and worse case for us to let it sleep a few ticks so it doesn't starve the other threads or timers.

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

Yes, not a lot of incoming data to be stored from LinuxCNC and we process it straight away. I've just read through the ThreadX docs. We'll need to think about thread scheduling and priority. The underlying ticker is 10ms, with the LinuxCNC servo thread being 1000ms. Within that 1000ms we need to process UDP command packet, update servo thread data, respond with a UDP feedback packed, and run the DMA calcs, which at 500 khz for 6 axes can take up to 700ms (but unlikely to run all 6 axes at 500khz simultaneously).

DMA calcs will need to have the highest priority to ensure we get the calcs done within the servo period.

Maybe the servo (control loop) twice in a LinuxCNC servo period.


On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 9:48 AM Geramy @.***> wrote:

The networking was actually using all the SRAM_DTC haha, I had packet size at like 1536 and then 80 total packets could be stored in the buffer, I changed it to 512 byte but I think we can lower it to the lowest amount of space needed for ICMP and LinuxCNC is only 68 bytes right, so i'll look that up and see about dropping it some more, but there is plenty of space now to class some more stuff up.

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Geramy commented 9 months ago

Wow, really its not a whole lot of math going on here, what slow little processors haha xD I guess we have one floating point Logic Unit we get to use per tick right so 600MHZ if we have 6 FPU calculations that's 100MHZ left over. I still don't get the calculations and stepping 100%, Your saying the frequency command comes in and then when the DMA next updates, we run the calculations and then later make the steps? or we do it all in one, how well are all the motors stepped in sync, this way? I need to understand this part better. When I look at the ethernet stuff I see it like, we receive data and then we send data. I don't see any notifying or anything, but I assume that everything is live more or less, so after it receives data, it uses that as an excuse to send whatever it has inside the buffers?

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I recommend we leave DMA at a set frequency and then do some of the math thats inside the dma stepgen "predetermined" so we can reduce required time needed to run the math, for instance inside DMA we do (BUFFER_COUNTS * PRU_SERVOFREQ), instead we can say this math is pre-determined and we can put some of this math like inside the "kernel class" and have it pull from where or configurations even, then when the user updates via json the actual frequency it doesnt do this math per update, just per startup. Something like that we can do all over the program where we need to optimize and reduce math. Right now the debug version i'm not sure if it compiles so that this part is already calculated or if it runs it at time of execution.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Maybe I get whats going on here now a bit more, the PIT basically signals the pin to pull from the DMA Buffer every set frequency and that sets the output pin or pins, then in our program we fill that buffer but its on a time scale style fill, where we fill it with 500 steps or 1000 on/offs. Then as time progresses or as the timer pops data off of the buffer its running it directly on the pin, is that correct, more or less?

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

Hopefully the compiler optimises the constant defines like BUFFER_COUNTS * PRU_SERVOFREQ. The only Floating point calcs is to convert the frequency command into the DDS add value, which only happens once per servo period per axis. While one DMA buffer is being sent to the port, we're preparing the next. Which works as the step count is correct at the end of the servo period.

With the current version of Remora that data is updated when the packet is received, the stepgens get this data on the next base thread execution (40khz), so effectively straight away. The position data is also updated at the base thread frequency so the feedback packet is fresh as well. But as you said no strict synchronisation.

Your understanding of the DMA implementation is spot on. But we only put a 1 in the buffer when we need the output to toggle (change state), so a little less math than having to fill the whole buffer. Which is why it's super quick at low step rates.

On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 11:27 AM Geramy @.***> wrote:

Maybe I get whats going on here now a bit more, the PIT basically signals the pin to pull from the DMA Buffer every set frequency and that sets the output pin or pins, then in our program we fill that buffer but its on a time scale style fill, where we fill it with 500 steps or 1000 on/offs. Then as time progresses or as the timer pops data off of the buffer its running it directly on the pin, is that correct, more or less?

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Geramy commented 9 months ago

how many timer ticks per second do we want? I can just change it to 1000, wouldn't that be the same as before making the code more compatible?

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Timer.cpp is now using the ThreadX timer, I also changed the following, /for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { rxData.rxBuffer[i] = rxBuffer.rxBuffer[i]; }/ memcpy(&rxBuffer.rxBuffer, rxBuffer.rxBuffer, sizeof(uint8_t) * BUFFER_SIZE); does that still work with the networking packing system? Never used C to do network packet packing before lol

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Is the PIT Timer also updating the step count as it’s going through each step?

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Let me know if you can take a look at my latest commit, I think I nearly have everything linked together, I just havn't put RemoraKernel inside of main basically, or well main of threadx. But its all there and merged over except DMA isn’t inside the kernel init. I was wondering if you could review it and give me some feedback and what I should do with DMA, should it be the same a pruThread which is really a ThreadX Timer? Also I have mutexes inside the networking being used, I just havn't put them inside the other threads yet. But most of the major hard work is done, just some tidying up and some small modifications, not really sure what to do with this crazy extern volatile stuff yet, i'm thinking shoving them inside the kernel or main but not sure yet.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Good morning, so when is the correct moment we need to run this?

if (g_transferDone)

            // clear the DMA buffer ready for next use
            if (stepgenDMAbuffer)
                memset(stepgenDMAbuffer_0, 0, sizeof(stepgenDMAbuffer_0));
                memset(stepgenDMAbuffer_1, 0, sizeof(stepgenDMAbuffer_1));

            // switch buffers
            stepgenDMAbuffer = !stepgenDMAbuffer;

            // prepare the next DMA buffer
            for (iterDMA = vDMAthread.begin(); iterDMA != vDMAthread.end(); ++iterDMA) (*iterDMA)->runModule();

            g_transferDone = false;

Should this be ran after each network packet received, or do we need to calculate how long each buffer fill will last for based on frequency and then set the timer based on that, I would think when the buffer runs out we would run it right? it seems that g_transferDone is true once it finishes the transfer or exhausts the buffer right?

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I did as we talked about and put DMA inside it’s own thread, the mutex should force it to sleep at least when it’s being used by the networking. But I still need to figure out how we can calculate the optimal sleep time for the DMA class.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

there is only two ways to do it, change ticks per second to way more like microseconds and not milliseconds or we can pause the thread and start the thread based on networking and transfer being done? What do you think?

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

Ideally we should try to synchronise the DMA with the LinuxCNC servo thread. We could do this by using the first received packet to trigger the first stepgen calcs and then kick-off the DMA transfers. The DMA complete callback then taking care of setting g_transferDone and messaging (?) the DMA thread. This is my first exposure to an RTOS so loving watching how you are piecing this together.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Actually I really like that idea I been battling with myself how i'm gonna do this haha. I have a callback that gets called when we receive data from the networking function. It gets sent to the kernel so we get notification, but its on the networking thread of course inside the kernel class. I think adding the messaging queue will be freaking fantastic instead of having to change the ticks per second to microseconds which who knows what problems that could bring, the dma thread will wait forever until there is a message giving time to every other thread or timer to do its task. :)

Geramy commented 9 months ago

You can do another pull, dma is finished, I have implemented semaphores to stop dma from running a bunch of times when the original dma buffers are not finished being ran. This will leave more time for the networking, the only other thing is we pause the dma when we receive a new packet as to not cause any collisions. I need someone to test it out haha, I don't have my device with me, i'm out of town. We are still missing the TFTP server which I know we need but i'm not too interested in that right now haha.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Continued working through the project, moved all create functions inside their respective classes as static functions of those classes and got everything compiling good, only using 26.7KB of DTC and I think the program should technically work just like before minus TFTP because I just havn't had the time to get that moved over yet and I cant test the ethernet, if you have a chance to test it let me know what happens, hopefully the board doesnt blow up haha.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I put binaries inside my release tab on my repository.

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

I've just sync'd to your latest work. I sill cannot get it to compile with the following error.

"Internal Builder: Cannot run program "arm-none-eabi-c++": Launching failed"

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

Hi, so I just loaded the binary and no go. Nothing outputted on the serial, no network lights etc.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I’m using Internal builder

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I got my board in my hand working on a remora network kernel for testing in C#, to simulate linuxcnc

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Found something, some sort of heap overflow, submitting new commit to fix the program errors so you can debug it directly. image

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I've got the stack at 256kb and the heap constantly changing, disabled all function calls and everything, just basic OS and still a big fat no go.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

sticking this here for reference and as a bin, when debugging at debug level 4 i get these messages. MCUXpresso IDE RedlinkMulti Driver v11.7 (Mar 22 2023 09:52:55 - crt_emu_cm_redlink build 13) Found chip XML file in C:/Users/Geramy/Documents/MCUXpressoIDE_11.7.1_9221/workspace/remora_rt1052_AzureRTOS/Debug\MIMXRT1052xxxxB.xml ( 5) Remote configuration complete Reconnected to existing LinkServer process. ============= SCRIPT: RT1050_connect.scp ============= RT1050 Connect Script DpID = 0BD11477 APID = 0x04770041 Disabling MPU Configure FlexRAM for 256KB OC RAM, 128KB I-TCM, 128KB D-TCM Finished ============= END SCRIPT ============================= Probe Firmware: CMSIS-DAP_LU ( Serial Number: LU_2022_8888 VID:PID: C251:F001 USB Path: \?\hid#vid_c251&pid_f001&mi_02#7&723e913&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} Using memory from core 0 after searching for a good core debug interface type = CoreSight DP (DAP DP ID 0BD11477) over SWD TAP 0 processor type = Cortex-M7 (CPU ID 00000C27) on DAP AP 0 number of h/w breakpoints = 8 number of flash patches = 0 number of h/w watchpoints = 4 Probe(0): Connected&Reset. DpID: 0BD11477. CpuID: 00000C27. Info: Debug protocol: SWD. RTCK: Disabled. Vector catch: Disabled. Content of CoreSight Debug ROM(s): RBASE E00FD000: CID B105100D PID 000008E88C ROM (type 0x1) ROM 1 E00FE000: CID B105100D PID 04000BB4C8 ROM (type 0x1) ROM 2 E00FF000: CID B105100D PID 04000BB4C7 ROM (type 0x1) ROM 3 E000E000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB00C Gen SCS (type 0x0) ROM 3 E0001000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB002 Gen DWT (type 0x0) ROM 3 E0002000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB00E Gen (type 0x0) ROM 3 E0000000: CID B105E00D PID 04000BB001 Gen ITM (type 0x0) ROM 2 E0041000: CID B105900D PID 04001BB975 CSt ARM ETMv4.0 type 0x13 Trace Source - Core ROM 2 E0042000: CID B105900D PID 04004BB906 CSt type 0x14 Debug Control - Trigger, e.g. ECT ROM 1 E0040000: CID B105900D PID 04000BB9A9 CSt type 0x11 Trace Sink - TPIU ROM 1 E0043000: CID B105F00D PID 04001BB101 Sys (type 0x0) NXP: MIMXRT1052xxxxB DAP stride is 1024 bytes (256 words) Inspected v.2 External Flash Device on SPI using SFDP JEDEC ID MIMXRT1050_SFDP_QSPI.cfx Image 'iMXRT1050_SFDP_QSPI Mar 21 2023 13:24:31' Opening flash driver MIMXRT1050_SFDP_QSPI.cfx Sending VECTRESET to run flash driver Flash variant 'JEDEC_SFDP_Device' detected (4MB = 64*64K at 0x60000000) Closing flash driver MIMXRT1050_SFDP_QSPI.cfx Connected: was_reset=false. was_stopped=true Awaiting telnet connection to port 3330 ... Command In: $qSupported:multiprocess+;swbreak+;hwbreak+;qRelocInsn+;fork-events+;vfork-events+;exec-events+;vContSupported+;QThreadEvents+;no-resumed+ GDB feature used multiprocess+ Reply: +$PacketSize=4000;qXfer:memory-m... Command In: $vMustReplyEmpty Unsupported command v - in 'MustReplyEmpty#3a' Command In: $! Reply: +$OK Command In: $Hg0 Reply: +$OK Command In: $qXfer:features:read:target.xml:0,1000 Reply: +$l<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYP... Command In: $QNonStop:0 GDB nonstop mode disabled (using allstop mode) Reply: +$OK Command In: $qTStatus Reply: +$ Command In: $? Reply: +$S05 Command In: $qfThreadInfo Reply: +$m1OK Command In: $qsThreadInfo Reply: +$lOK Command In: $qAttached Unsupported command q - in 'Attached#8f' Command In: $Hc-1 Reply: +$OK Command In: $qC Reply: +$QC1 Command In: $qOffsets Reply: +$ Command In: $g Note PC=0x00201414 Reply: +$000000000000000000000000000000... Command In: $qXfer:memory-map:read::0,1000 Reply: +$l<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYP... 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Command In: $qSymbol::7a5f7379735f706f73745f6b65726e656c Reply: +$qSymbol:5f6d71785f76657273696f... Command In: $qSymbol::5f6d71785f76657273696f6e5f6e756d626572 Reply: +$qSymbol:5f6d71785f76656e646f72 Command In: $qSymbol::5f6d71785f76656e646f72 Reply: +$qSymbol:5f6d71785f6b65726e656c... Command In: $qSymbol::5f6d71785f6b65726e656c5f64617461 Reply: +$qSymbol:4d51585f696e69745f7374... Command In: $qSymbol::4d51585f696e69745f737472756374 Reply: +$qSymbol:5f6d71785f64656275675f... Command In: $qSymbol::5f6d71785f64656275675f636f6e666967 Azure RTOS ThreadX symbol(s) found:

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Fixed it, i forgot to include two files that tells it where to boot from. Woo! Submitted new commit, should be working. your problem your having with compiling is because i'm using the internal builder but you can change it inside the properties of build.

scottalford75 commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I did a complete refresh of my fork and it now compiles and I can debug. No serial output, no ethernet activity. What are you experiencing?

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I get a error status 7 on nx_ip_create, not sure why. if I want to initialize the clocks manually for the ethernet card I can but that doesnt help anything. Not sure if we have a reference wrong or what. Error 7 means invalid ptr "#define NX_PTR_ERROR 0x07" Also just submitted my last changes too, until i can fix the network error. Everything looks good to me.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Here's what MS has to say.

Parameters ip_ptr: Pointer to control block to create a new IP instance. name: Name of this new IP instance. ip_address: IP address for this new IP instance. network_mask: Mask to delineate the network portion of the IP address for sub-netting and super-netting uses. default_pool: Pointer to control block of previously created NetX packet pool. ip_network_driver: User-supplied network driver used to send and receive IP packets. memory_ptr: Pointer to memory area for the IP helper thread’s stack area. memory_size: Number of bytes in the memory area for the IP helper thread’s stack. priority: Priority of IP helper thread.

Return Values NX_SUCCESS (0x00) Successful IP instance creation. NX_NOT_IMPLEMENTED (0x4A) NetX library is configured incorrectly. NX_PTR_ERROR (0x07) Invalid IP, network driver function pointer, packet pool, or memory pointer. NX_SIZE_ERROR (0x09) The supplied stack size is too small. NX_CALLER_ERROR (0x11) Invalid caller of this service. NX_IP_ADDRESS_ERROR (0x21) The supplied IP address is invalid. NX_OPTION_ERROR (0x21) The supplied IP thread priority is invalid.`

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I'm also not getting any execution inside the drivers main function.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

I'm going to include netxduo source into the project so we can really see whats going on and fix it.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

Ethernet lights are on and thats working now! But weird the LED lights on the board are all wonky.

Geramy commented 9 months ago

now we have a enet error, but ethernet has its lights on and they flash a bit. Multiple errors reported.

1) Failed to execute MI command: -var-create - * &(s_enetBases) Error message from debugger back end: Attempt to take address of register or constant.

2) Failed to execute MI command: -var-create - * &(s_enetBases) Error message from debugger back end: Attempt to take address of register or constant.

3) Unable to create variable object