scottbez1 / splitflap

DIY split-flap display
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[env:mega-direct] section of platformio.ini has duplicate build_flags option #118

Closed samschloegel closed 3 years ago

samschloegel commented 3 years ago

During build, PlatformIO throws the following error from line 64:

> Executing task: pio run --environment uno-shift-register <

Error: Invalid '[...]/splitflap/arduino/splitflap/platformio.ini' (project configuration file): 'While reading from '[...]/splitflap/arduino/splitflap/platformio.ini' [line 64]: option 'build_flags' in section 'env:mega-direct' already exists'
The terminal process "pio 'run', '--environment', 'uno-shift-register'" terminated with exit code: 1.

I am running an Uno with the uno-shift-register environment, and am not yet familiar enough with Platformio to offer a solution myself, so I have been commenting out line 62 to allow the build to work.

(My first time submitting an issue on GitHub, apologies in advance if I've stumbled over any conventions here....)

scottbez1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for flagging this @samschloegel! I removed the errant line (as I recall, I had been experimenting with build optimization settings a while ago and I think that was an accidental merge conflict. I don't believe those optimization settings were needed, so I just removed them for now)