scottbez1 / splitflap

DIY split-flap display
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Mounting Brackets #160

Closed dmadison closed 3 years ago

dmadison commented 3 years ago

Creates mounting_bracket.scad which generates geometry for 3D-printable mounting brackets. Two brackets are defined, using the same common base geometry:

The base geometry uses the existing hole in the bottom enclosure piece and juts up against the left and right enclosure sides to prevent the module from twisting.

This also adds three more functions to shapes.scad: one to create a 3D rounded fillet on a corner, one to create a 3D rounded fillet on an extruded rectangle, and one to create a cone at a specified angle (needed for the 82° countersunk holes).

T-Slot Mount




Screw Mount



For viewing the mounts in position use this snippet in a new file:

include <splitflap.scad>
use <tools/mounting_bracket.scad>

position_mounting_bracket() {

I've printed both of these mounts for testing and they work great.

dmadison commented 3 years ago

I'm curious - what is the intended way to attach the screw bracket to the module?

There's not really enough space below the module for a captive nut, so I thought the user would either undersize the hole and screw directly into the plastic (easy + free but not strong), or oversize the hole and use a heat-set insert (more difficult + costs money, but very strong).

The latching post idea is clever. I wonder how well it would hold up in PLA since the stressed portion would need to be printed in plane with the layer direction.