scottbez1 / splitflap

DIY split-flap display
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Add $fn parameter to have smoother edges when generating svg fonts #168

Closed tomihbk closed 2 years ago

tomihbk commented 2 years ago

At the current state, when you use the file, the generated svgs are quite low poly. This is due to the facet number on facet.scad is set 0 as default.

If we look at the image below, the first one is what you would get if you generated the fonts. I was asked by the man himself, Scott, to try 60, but it's not quite smooth enough. So I just doubled the value and tried 120. 120 gave me cleaner and more refined results.

But the docs don't recommend going beyond 100, so this pull request is using 100 but feel free to modify to your needs.
