scottbez1 / splitflap

DIY split-flap display
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Elecrow v2 export fixes #239

Closed len0rd closed 1 week ago

len0rd commented 1 week ago

PDFs generated for elecrow on the latest master currently look like this: image

Dimensions appear to be placed incorrectly when the svg output is mirrored. I updated add_dimensions to account for mirroring when its enabled.

I tested this in a 20.04 docker container setup similarly to the actions environment and the output looks correct. Result is below:


When testing locally, I also discovered that the inkscape cli has deprecated --verbs in favor of --actions in version 1.2+. This PR adds a check to handle both inkscape < 1.2 and >= 1.2 when generating elecrow pdfs

scottbez1 commented 1 week ago

Amazing, thanks for catching and fixing this! Serves me right for hastily enabling mirror by default without re-checking the artifacts...

Running CI now and will merge once confirming the output from Actions. Thanks again!

scottbez1 commented 1 week ago

Thanks @len0rd!