scottdickerson / rbac-api

Education on Spring JPA persistence layer
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Get Access Tier By IntentId And User ID returns error #4

Open gl0bal74 opened 3 months ago

gl0bal74 commented 3 months ago

Get Access Tier By IntentId And User ID {{base_url}}/access-tiers/intent/{{intent_id}}/user/{{user_id}}

Invalid UUID string: Check weather

gl0bal74 commented 2 months ago
  1. make build
  2. copy jar file to get latest changes
  3. make docker
  4. docker compose up -d

using admin ID and check heart rate intent {{base_url}}/access-tiers/intent/6824590f-db90-45fc-a364-6ad223c39274/user/23b423ff-fb0a-43f3-bbe4-f4af33388006