scottdrichards / MMM-SimpleBGSlideshow

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Noob help? #3

Open davidkindred opened 1 month ago

davidkindred commented 1 month ago

Hi, Scott, thanks so much for creating such a promising module.

I'm having no luck getting any sort of response from the module and wonder if you could direct me to a log, or similar, to get some ideas about what might not be loading.

I do have a 'photos' folder directly under the MM root and refer to its path as 'photos', but since I'm not seeing any response from the module at all, I have no idea if the reason is because it can't find the images, or if perhaps some dependency doesn't exist on my machine. Would you mind pointing a noob in the right direction for diagnosing the issue? I'd really like to use your module.

Much thanks and best wishes to you!

davidkindred commented 1 month ago

In case someone else struggles as I did, check that you have properly set the path as in the example with a trailing slash (e.g. imagePaths: ['images/']).

Secondarily, if you are running this excellent module off of a Raspberry Pi, and decided to have your files located on an external thumb drive, as I did, to prevent too much wear on the system SD card, Google how to setup a symbolic link (essentially a shortcut) from within the MagicMirror folder to the external source. To this module, it will appear that all of the images are located directly off the MM directory, but the operating system will, behind-the-scenes, direct the file operations to the external location. This is an example of its use:

ln -s /media/pi/MMPHOTOS/photos /home/pi/MagicMirror/photos

the matching line in the config file read as follows:

imagePaths: ['photos/'],