scottdurow / RibbonWorkbench

Ribbon Workbench 2016 for Dynamics 365
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Run Report smart button NOT executing on the current record #28

Open anasraf opened 6 years ago

anasraf commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

I used your solution in running workflows and quick javascript it works fine. but when i try to run a report from a smart button it doesn't run on the current record it just executing on a random record i checked the passed parameters and it looks everything is fine. Thank you in advance for your time.

scottdurow commented 6 years ago

Could you post the link that is being opened compared to the link that you expect to be opened? Thanks!

allandecastro commented 6 years ago

Hey Guys! I tried this solution and i get the same problem. Analysis : Link by the standard button : Link opened by ur smart button :{EA75A694-7A20-E811-8115-5065F38BE571}%7d&recordstype=10059

After some testing : When i execute the smart button i have a report on an other record (but not random, it seem to be the same everytime). Using the link opened by smart button, we just have to add "&context=records" and remove the "{" in the Guid's value "records=" . We dont really need to specify the "helpID=", it works without.

Solution : btw u have to apply some changes on lines 2096 in SmartButtons.ClientHooks.js : '/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&id=%7b'+encodeURIComponent($1_2)+'%7d&records=%7b'+recordId+'%7d&recordstype='+etc;

  1. remove "{" in recordId var
  2. add this : '/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&context=records&id=%7b'+encodeURIComponent($1_2)+'%7d&records=%7b'+recordId+'%7d&recordstype='+etc;
  3. helpId : it should be add because it's cleaner , it's the report's name

Hope that will help you and many thanks about your works ! Best Regards,

Note : You can use this function for replace the "{" in the recordId's var function formatId(entityId) { if (entityId != null) { return entityId.replace("{", "").replace("}", ""); } return null; }

EmanWah commented 4 years ago

Hello Allan, I am receiving the same issue. I tried to amend the SmartButtons.ClientHooks.js file as mentioned in your comment but without any luck. Could you please send me your SmartButtons.ClientHooks.js file. Thank you.

anasraf commented 4 years ago

What we have to do is replace the Ribbon Javascript.

Create a new solution and add the JS named "dev1_/js/SmartButtons.ClientHooks.js". Then change the report URL in line 2096:

OLD LINE: '/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&id=%7b'+encodeURIComponent($1_2)+'%7d&records=%7b'+recordId+'%7d&recordstype='+etc;

NEW LINE: '/crmreports/viewer/viewer.aspx?action=run&context=records&id='+encodeURIComponent($1_2)+'&records='+recordId+'&recordstype='+etc+'&helpID='+reportName;

That solved my problem!

EmanWah commented 4 years ago

Your solution solved my problem...Many Thanks!