scottdurow / RibbonWorkbench

Ribbon Workbench 2016 for Dynamics 365
MIT License
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33 Solution Checker Warnings on SmartButtons.ClientHooks.js #79

Open brianilland opened 3 years ago

brianilland commented 3 years ago

Now that Solution Checker is an accepted part of the ALM process, I am finding more and more situations where a clean bill of health is expected from solution checker as part of the release pipeline.

The transpiled SmartButtons.ClientHooks.js file shows 33 warnings for web-use-strict-equality-operators -

"For most comparisons the strict equality comparison algorithm is the appropriate choice as it will return the expected results. The strict operators, === and !==, handle null and undefined values as expected."

Is there a way these warnings can be

a) minimised or eliminated as part of the smartbuttons build process or b) somehow ignored by solution checker because of their type?

brianilland commented 3 years ago

For what it's worth, to get around this issue, I ran through the solution checker after beautifying the minimised javascript in the solution and then went through each of the 33 line numbers to see if I could tie back to the typescript and replace with a strict operator. I fixed locally in typescript but was left with a handful of non-strict operators which were generated as part of the compilation which couldn't (easily) be fixed in the typescript. I then re-beautified the compiled js and fixed the remaining issues in the target to get it to pass solution checker with no warnings left.

My OCD feels good, even if I'd rather stand over the source as tested by everyone else.
