scottdurow / SparkleXrm

An open-source library for building Dynamics CRM XRM solutions using Script#, jQuery & Knockoutjs.
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Add "Generate Attribute Name Consts" option to early bound generator #250

Open AndreCavaca opened 6 years ago

AndreCavaca commented 6 years ago

Hi Scott, Thank you for SparkleXrm, it is an awesome tool. We are currently looking forward to use earlyboundgenerator in our projects but we need Attribute Name Consts to be generated for each class just like Daryl's Early Bound Generator does, in order to avoid having "magic strings" hardcoded in our c# code.

This is an example for the Team entity, unnecessary code was omitted:

    public partial class Team : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Entity
        public struct Fields
            public const string AdministratorId = "administratorid";
            public const string BusinessUnitId = "businessunitid";
            public const string CreatedBy = "createdby";
            public const string CreatedOn = "createdon";
            public const string CreatedOnBehalfBy = "createdonbehalfby";
scottdurow commented 6 years ago

The plan is to include Daryl's early bound generator library in spkl as an option!

AndreCavaca commented 6 years ago

Please tell me if there is anything that I can help you guys with to release this enhancement

AndreCavaca commented 5 years ago

Hey Scott, is this feature going to be available?