When registering a new plugin I am getting the following error:
The application terminated with an error.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at SparkleXrm.Tasks.PluginRegistraton.normaliseCommaSeparatedString(String input)
at SparkleXrm.Tasks.PluginRegistraton.RegisterStep(PluginType sdkPluginType, List`1 existingSteps, CrmPluginRegistrationAttribute pluginStep)
at SparkleXrm.Tasks.PluginRegistraton.RegisterPluginSteps(IEnumerable`1 pluginTypes, PluginAssembly plugin)
at SparkleXrm.Tasks.PluginRegistraton.RegisterPlugin(String file, Boolean excludePluginSteps)
at SparkleXrm.Tasks.DeployPluginsTask.DeployPlugins(OrganizationServiceContext ctx, ConfigFile config)
at SparkleXrm.Tasks.DeployPluginsTask.ExecuteInternal(String folder, OrganizationServiceContext ctx)
at SparkleXrm.Tasks.BaseTask.Execute(String folder)
at SparkleXrmTask.Program.RunTask(CommandLineArgs arguments, IOrganizationService service, ITrace trace)
at SparkleXrmTask.Program.Run(CommandLineArgs arguments)
at SparkleXrmTask.Program.Main(String[] args)
Error Code=1
The plugin assembly gets deployed but it does not have any registered steps, so I think it happens when a new step gets registered.
I've got the following Plugin Registration attribute:
[CrmPluginRegistration(MessageNameEnum.Create, Incident.EntityLogicalName, StageEnum.PreOperation, ExecutionModeEnum.Synchronous,
filteringAttributes: null, stepName: "My.Plugins - Create of Case", executionOrder: 1,
isolationModel: IsolationModeEnum.Sandbox, Id = "6D8F5EEF-072A-4D39-B707-8C0C858550D0"
I am guessing the error happens because this method - it does not have a null check for an input parameter, that's the only line in there.
Hi @AleksandrRogov
We have also experienced this ourselves when switching from v1.0.440 to v1.0.640.
For now our fix has been to specify the filtering attributes as "" (empty string)
spkl version: 1.0.640.
When registering a new plugin I am getting the following error:
The plugin assembly gets deployed but it does not have any registered steps, so I think it happens when a new step gets registered.
I've got the following Plugin Registration attribute:
I am guessing the error happens because this method - it does not have a null check for an
parameter, that's the only line in there.