scottgonzalez / debt

DEBT: Exceptional Bug Tracking
MIT License
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Create Bug Templates #42

Open gnarf opened 10 years ago

gnarf commented 10 years ago

It would be awesome to be able to define a template for create bug that can be fed from url parameters. Think http://debt/create/bug/web-page?url={{userAgent}}

Then you could have a bug template called web-page that had "url" and "ua" as parameters.

scottgonzalez commented 10 years ago

GitHub has something close to this where you can prefill the title and body using /issues/new?title=whatever&body=whatever. I think going a step further and supporting actual templates would be great.

Prefilling would likely use /ticket/new?title=whatever&body=whatever (also supporting arbitrary fields).

Templates would likely use /ticket/new/template-name?prop=whatever&prop2=whatever`. We can probably detect whether the properties are template variables or field names and just pick one to win over the other in the case of a collision (probably the template variable).