The preprocessed data will be visualized using the python library Plotly which is based on javascripts D3.js. The library is a bit more sophisticated than the traditional matplotlib and provides a better interface for exploratory data analysis. Also, the library fascilitates rapid experimentation and usage.
[x] Plot pump and weather data
[x] Functionality for both in same plot or in different ones
[x] Functionality for different time steps
[x] How to compute values when time steps differ from original data (mean, sum, etc.)
[x] Pump data has alternatig values between 0 and some max. How to represent?
Want to "tick of" all variables to include in plot before deciding to show the plot. E.g. user can tick of "show weather data", and n x "[pumpstation]"s tickeable data. Timeperiods must also be specifiable.
Can add multiple plots of same type as above to seperate and compare data in a less visually exhaustive way.
The preprocessed data will be visualized using the python library Plotly which is based on javascripts D3.js. The library is a bit more sophisticated than the traditional matplotlib and provides a better interface for exploratory data analysis. Also, the library fascilitates rapid experimentation and usage.